Example sentences of "[pers pn] should [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Material sent to them should not exceed 100 words .
2 The fact that ECGD may have instructed them should not be taken as an endorsement of their expertise , official or otherwise .
3 In Sweden , it is claimed that nearly 10,000 lakes have such high concentrations of mercury that any fish caught in them should not be eaten .
4 This feature occurs because rational expectations generally implies restrictions on the coefficients of the model , and if the restrictions are valid then imposing them should not worsen the model 's explanatory power .
5 G. R.Shepherd , the Labour National Agent , wrote to local Labour Parties in March 1939 , warning them against close liaison with the Club : Since groups of the Left Book Club are not entitled to affiliation with constituency parties , joint political activities with them should not be entered into , especially when these are in the direction of a so-called " Popular Front " with any other political party .
6 He should know about them should n't he ?
7 You know , they should get everything given to them should n't they , nurses ?
8 There was a long silence before Ipuky continued , ‘ What is said about me should not concern you .
9 It took me a long time to accept the fact that now I should not be killed — that I should be one of the survivors .
10 All my life , he wrote , I have been preparing myself for this moment , but if I have prepared myself correctly then it is so that when the moment came I should not be encumbered with the sensation of having waited for it all my life , for such a sensation , wrote Harsnet , is too heavy a burden for anyone to carry .
11 None the less , he wrote , I should not have let her see it .
12 I was told on more than one occasion , that I should not really let outsiders see this sort of thing , even though it was agreed that what I had written was an accurate analysis of events .
13 But perhaps I should not encourage you .
14 This project almost died at that point , as I should not imagine that my skills were good enough to meet the precision requirements and the time factor seemed unacceptable .
15 I should not think that Mr Kinnock would have the same need for such structures . ’
16 However , I should not care to put any money on even a single defeat .
17 ‘ Oh ! ’ answered the river , ‘ if all my drops of water were tears , I should not have enough to weep for Narcissus myself .
18 I said that did I share his belief I should not contemplate what I do , but that I did not share it .
19 I had been greatly amused , although I think I should not have been .
20 Perhaps I should not have said that . ’
21 ‘ My supporters in Birkenhead have been telling me I should not be in a mood to compromise , ’ he said .
22 I made the long trip with my boys but the unit told me I should not be there .
23 The result was that very soon indeed afterwards my father came with a very sad but kind face in to the room where I sat alone and told me he was sure I should not do that sort of thing again .
24 In any case it would be better if I sat at the table , the light was better there and I should not get lazy .
25 He made me give him Celia 's address , and he wrote to her and said I should not be working and living alone at my age .
26 Had not the echo of my prayer been upon me still , I should not have been ready .
27 Rather to the surprise of my new employers , since I had been so eager to work for them , I told them I should not be able to start for a fortnight ( I needed to recover , being exhausted by my burden of guilt ) .
28 Is there something you wish to say to the solicitor which I should not hear or say for you ? ’
29 ‘ I have a new friend , ’ Mrs Ames said , ‘ I should not like to stay away from home too long , just because of that .
30 I should do something now , because perhaps it was for want of normal company that Eleanor Thorne lay until her mind turned the corner into madness and final decay , I should go out , I should not allow myself to brood , to carry out my sister 's peculiar whims and defer to the judgments she passes upon me .
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