Example sentences of "[pers pn] very own " in BNC.

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1 As we leave him , he is blurredly registering clumps and layers of passing foliage , his lower lip moist and hanging out slightly , with an uncomfortable draught agitating up his trouser legs from the hole that was his very own creation .
2 Rene/ Descartes , the I7th century French philosopher , gave the world the expression Cogito , ergo sum ( I think therefore I am ) and endowed the French with an invincible confidence in they very own way of looking at the world .
3 In a world where so much was staged artificially it was like a breath of fresh air and Harriet experienced her very own glow of excitement and triumph .
4 For the first time in years Harriet was overwhelmed by a wave of homesickness , and not now for New York , but for the haven of her London flat , the bolt-hole she had made her very own .
5 Perfectly groomed from head to toe and with all that assurance , she was ready to take on the world , Arlene thought with satisfaction , for she looked on Paula as her very own creation .
6 A mother penguin can find her very own youngster in a colony of several thousand , even after many days at sea , having left the young one to mill around on the ice with thousand of others which to us appear to be identical .
7 Lucinda brooded , of her very own ; a dainty diamond cluster she and Charlie had chosen together .
8 It 's no coincidence that there are consistent rumours that Madonna is interested in talking to women like Courtney Love and Katie Jane Garside as she starts to build a roster of acts for her very own record empire .
9 I goofishly hovered at the edges of her very own unique drama .
10 Aunt Margaret wanted babies so much , she wanted Victoria for her very own .
11 This Brownie Guide doll comes complete with her very own mix and match uniform .
12 She missed her so dreadfully when she was away , as though a part of her very own body was missing .
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