Example sentences of "[pers pn] can put " in BNC.

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1 But , she resolved , I 'm going to do what I can to put a stop to it .
2 ‘ So you see , ’ I concluded , ‘ I 'm sure I can put the wind up Mellowes . ’
3 If we can go ashore we can have coffee and Tony and I can put on our anoraks .
4 The razor will probably last several shaves — that 's if I can put up with its luminous yellow colour ! ’
5 I own an ex-Irish army Series III 1972 Land Rover , I 've recently fitted a Range Rover V8 instead of the 2,25 and would like to know if I can put a transfer box on to a 5-speed SD1 gear box .
6 If you 've got something I can put the water in I 'll go and see if I can get some for you , ’ Maggie offered .
7 Now I can put both feet flat on the floor and stand up straight without slouching or bending a knee or looking strained in any way .
8 I can put the whole thing in context .
9 Do not say ‘ I 'm young and resilient , I can put up with a vandalised block of flats because it 's a cheap place to live . ’
10 ‘ It gave me something that I am sure I can put back into the local community , ’ he said .
11 Against : almost nothing I can put my finger on , except that it 's a darned expensive guitar and I expected it to justify its price by being inspiring — which , for all of us who tried it , it somehow failed to be .
12 I have bought a display book of transparent folders from the stationers so that I can put each pattern sheet into one of the pockets , together with a note of any information such as techniques used and any variations tried .
13 I can put out an all-points on it . ’
14 I can put the washing machine on , type another letter , go back and check the washing .
15 I can put the Varsity match out of my mind now and concentrate on improving my international ambitions . ’
16 ‘ Here I am facing Liverpool in my first game as a fully-fledged Coventry player , so if I can put one over them , it will be the end of a perfect week . ’
17 He looked up from his desk and said , ‘ My good woman , where do you think I can put them ? ’
18 ‘ I wonder if I can put it another way , ’ said the Thing , and it managed to sound slightly annoyed .
19 Hooker Phil Kearns said : ‘ If winning can inspire so many people than I can put up will the months of hard slog , sleepless nights , aches and pains and fleeting fears of failure that make up a World Cup campaign .
20 Of course , it 'll take a day to get it settled ; but I can put up with that . ’
21 I can put down some poison , missus , ’ he told her .
22 I can put up with missing pizzicato detailing at bar 383 of the first movement — one of Beethoven 's happiest small orchestral fancies , beautifully brought out by Böhm and the VPO on DG — but the second violins ' inaudibility as they pick up the shepherd 's song of thanksgiving leaves a gruesome hole in the texture .
23 A lot of that sarcasm is just bravado , and if I can put up with his teasing , ca n't you ?
24 I can put some out for you before you go . ’
25 And is there anything I can put on my scalp to help the hair grow again ?
26 Oh yes I can put up with Harlow now , I 'm not er , I 'm not over the world , over the , you know
27 So then I 'll need to go and get my pads and my bandages so that I can put this right , you 'll need two of these for this bandage , the first one , you open out so that the pad is going to go into the palm of her hand and that over the top and she is going to grab hold of the other one like that , okay , now we 've got the wad in there and she 's hanging on to it , but it was the sterile part of the bandage as I undid it that went on to the wound , there is no time for dressing here is there ?
28 I can put them to use .
29 In the same way that there are rules within sentences , limiting which words can follow others , so there might also be rules within discourses , limiting which sentence can follow another one , and if I write ‘ The knight killed the dragon ’ , then there might be limits , or constraints , on what I can put as the next sentence .
30 Maybe I can put some doubts into the governor 's mind about its admissibility . ’
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