Example sentences of "[pers pn] can get " in BNC.

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1 I can get through the rest of the week if I know I 've got comin' here to look forward to .
2 You 're all right Jack and I should be lucky for what I can get .
3 Do you know what it is , and where I can get one ?
4 Meanwhile , I take what I can get : safe sex with a bit of clean trade .
5 Ah well , I can get down off my hobby horse now !
6 Maybe now I can get at this business of amor as of Ezra , and get at it right .
7 Give us a quid , Malcolm , I said , so I can get home in the morning .
8 Next morning over breakfast I decide to go back into Þingeyri to catch a plane back to Ísafjöđ3ur in the hope that I can get a boat or bus from there .
9 I bought a pass for the swimming baths so I can get in for free .
10 I can see this light shining from the side , so I squeeze through a couple of trolleys to see if I can get out that way .
11 I try and see where I can get out , but it 's pretty dark where I am — I ca n't hardly see anything except these trolley things .
12 Kendall said last night : ‘ I have had long talks with Peter and I am optimistic that I can get him to come to City .
13 Instead of having to come home from work and worry about wrapping up the Christmas presents , or writing letters to friends , or having a long conversation with someone in the family who needs a bit of support , and fitting all that in after the children have gone to bed and the supper 's been washed up and you really ought to be reading papers for tomorrow 's meeting , I know I have a chunk of time when I can get on with doing all that .
14 There is always a guy that says , ‘ I can get you out of this contract ’ .
15 ‘ If she has vanished , I 'm going to see that solicitor about whether I can get her presumed dead . ’
16 I can get them out , of course . ’
17 ‘ So I can get used to it . ’
18 To see if I can get the money for it before the end of the month .
19 I can get her to do anything I want , to think anything I want .
20 ‘ If I can get through the window .
21 Bit of a squeeze , but if I can get through , you can follow , and we 'll make a dash . ’
22 I can get on with Dorothy Wordsworth .
23 ‘ From there I can get a bus to Sligo Town , in County Sligo , up in the north of the province of Connaught . ’
24 ‘ Well , I can get me and Sam out at night easy enough .
25 There 's a hole under the stairs in the Barracks I can get out of and I can open the door from the outside if Sam 's too big to squeeze through .
26 I need every penny I can get .
27 ‘ I 'm playing for the fun I can get out of it for myself , and not for them , ’ said the five-times Wimbledon champion after a 7–5 , 6–2 defeat by Frenchman Olivier Delaitre in the Nice Open yesterday in his first relevant match of this year 's comeback .
28 Somehow I must get up the Library steps , for if I can get in there before they reach me , they wo n't be able to duff me in .
29 ‘ Not the oddest of jobs and being an odd job man I like the oddest jobs I can get but it has to be done . ’
30 Orange is my favourite , when I can get it . ’
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