Example sentences of "[pers pn] has [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 They are not on the whole involved in direct teaching and , second , each of them has to have a separate viewpoint because the focus of the job is mainly outside that of any school .
2 Er can i just say er before erm I announce the result , I whispered to Frank there in announcing the result I did n't know I could n't pronounce his name so I has to check it .
3 Do n't get into the situation where one of you has to act the ‘ bad guy ’ while the other is always the ‘ good guy ’ .
4 ‘ Whatever I tell you has to remain between us . ’
5 You does what you like , only … ’ he warned pointing his pipe in Willie 's direction , ' if there 's any mess you has to clear it up .
6 You has to come down .
7 ‘ But one of you has to make a start , Amy .
8 Not like her , Maggie , she has to put a lot of effort into looking nice .
9 She has to put her life back in order to rid her of Fred whose antics are only adding to her problems .
10 Mary is very sorry that she has to put off coming to dinner tonight They are not sure about getting a baby-sitter .
11 Suppose she puts the coat on a chair with the opening facing upwards : to get the zip at the front , she has to put her right arm into the left-hand sleeve , which means ignoring the nearest armhole .
12 If dumps like this are what she has to put up with , then up with this she 'll put .
13 as I say she 'd have everything down , I think I , she definitely needs a big house , but not only that I mean she has to put everything up like
14 She has to spend the household money and her good opinion of products means sales .
15 Betty uses the scheme once a week , although she is unhappy about the fact that she has to spend so much time getting the equipment ready .
16 Clearly , formulations of gist and upshot are important in written and formal spoken discourse too , although there the task of the sender is much harder , as he or she has to estimate the need for reformulation at any given point .
17 She has to watch what she eats .
18 Berenice has high blood-pressure ; she has to remain in hospital because of stress , or she will miscarry , and if that happens I fear for her mental health . ’
19 The worse a woman 's education , the less she has to lose by dropping out of the jobs market to have a child .
20 If she has to deal with him at all , even quite briefly , people start saying ‘ She 's always talking to that man , — who knows why she has so much to say . ’
21 She may welcome your help with some of the business matters she has to deal with , too .
22 ‘ It 's because she has to deal with you , day after day . ’
23 For example , when she has to listen to the legends of the Catholic saints , which are read at ‘ la lecture pieuse ’ in the school where she teaches English , Lucy is sickened by ‘ tales that were nightmares of oppression , privation and agony ’ ; in a silent act of revulsion she breaks off the points of her scissors as she listens .
24 It 's er er somebody on business is visiting and they the wife has come and she has to entertain the wife .
25 The idea is that every person has another person ( or sometimes a group or committee ) to whom he or she has to account for the proper discharge of responsibilities .
26 Does this mean that she has to invent enemies too ?
27 She is extremely well behaved , and travels everywhere with me — to open days where she has to cope with lots of people , visits to playgroups to teach the children how to approach a strange dog , friends ' houses , talks I give , dog clubs and work engagements .
28 as if this is n't difficult enough , she has to remember , too , to put the pants on before her trousers .
29 Sonny said : ‘ She has to quit living in the past . ’
30 She feels she has to say something .
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