Example sentences of "[pers pn] are not " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're maddening me are n't you Aggie ?
2 It was not worth the sulk and you 're ashamed of me are n't you that he could keep up for three days when required .
3 Well you it 's rushing me are n't you ?
4 Because I have n't it 's , y you 're going to put that away for me are n't you ?
5 Yeah , Georgina goes to me are n't you gon na stick up for her , stick up for her , so I did
6 Eh , you 're tempting me are n't you ?
7 No you were showing on the bottom of me are n't you ?
8 Yeah , but you 're one below me are n't you now ?
9 But the adverts that really annoy me are not so much the ones aimed at women but the ones aimed at men .
10 A couple of people who work for me are not too clever — and one feels that you have to repeat instructions , and they — even so they 're not undertaken .
11 The discrimination between the local authorities throughout the country and the London boroughs pardon me are not included in this decision , in fact they 're exempt from it .
12 Many of them are not used to disabled people , and , being temporary , they rarely get to know her anyway .
13 If it is true that some of them are not quite what they were — and even this grasped-at straw is no more than speculation — we may rest assured that the successor generation brought on tour to breathe down their necks will be as good if not better .
14 ‘ The best referees ought to be here , but some of them are not because the SRA is cutting back on everything , ’ said Davies .
15 April In footballing terms , two of them are not even on solids .
16 The problems that fester in them are not peripheral : they constitute America 's main domestic challenge today .
17 Ideas , it seems , can not be made into things , because various truths about them are not suitable for transmutation into truths about things .
18 There is good evidence that the differences between them are not caused by differences between the DNA sequence of their genes , although it may be that different genes are active in different kinds of cells .
19 Parents , on the contrary , are not experts on educational matters , or most of them are not .
20 The figure was mentioned to me by the manager of a gay bar who was justifying the role of the establishment , but added , ‘ some of them are not angels you know .
21 Deposits can also be held at non-bank financial institutions such as building societies , mortgage corporations , savings and loans associations and finance houses ; however , such institutions generally have to hold cheque account balances at banks themselves and thus public deposits with them are not regarded as part of the nation 's money supply in many countries .
22 As far as the true chemical tonics are concerned , there are several kinds of active substances available , although most of them are not well known .
23 Some of them are not going to vote Conservative this time — if at all .
24 The number of enquiries I get from distant countries is ample evidence of EE 's wide circulation , and some of them are not a little odd or amusing .
25 Chairman Howard Wilkinson said : ‘ There is a strong feeling among managers and players that rules applying to them are not being applied to other people , namely supporters around the dug-outs .
26 The non-crystalline , that is the amorphous cellulose , has no mechanism for protecting its hydroxyls from moisture , since most of them are not firmly attached to their neighbours , and so they pick up a shell , round each hydroxyl , of any water molecules which are available .
27 Some of them are not acceptable to all twentieth-century Christians .
28 Vision screening procedures , even when administered regularly and appropriately , are useless if the results from them are not followed up .
29 When we look closely at the plants and animals depicted on frescoes and vases , many of them are not really very lifelike .
30 We are concerned with people , some of whom are men and some women , and the cognitive differences between them are not easily traced to their gender .
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