Example sentences of "[pers pn] was those " in BNC.

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1 If I look back on the people who have led me very well in the past , it was those who were able to create and sustain just such a sense of challenge .
2 ‘ And I thought it was those rats or my silly old brain and all the time it was you , young man . ’
3 At any rate , so far as Zuwaya are concerned , it was those men who were fifty to sixty years old in 1979 who had created in the previous three decades the marked differences in wealth which did exist .
4 It was those who were admitted in the year before they died who were perceived as having a relatively poor quality of life in that year .
5 It was those sessions which won the band initial recognition and a recording contract .
6 It was those two who invariably forgot to comply with Judith 's requests , while John and I usually showed up with the items , literally bringing home the bacon .
7 It was those who suffered the isolation of the front-line patrol who demanded changes .
8 And it was those waves which were to carry him , steadily and inexorably , to a far-distant grave .
9 It was those at the bottom of the social pile , without contacts or Western goods to deal with , who had to submit to the ordeal .
10 For it was those two , with a little help from Nick Brown , Frew McMillan and John Black , who entertained the boisterous crowd with an exhibition set officially won by Brown and Keegan , 7–5 !
11 Moreover , it was those that were most likely to suffer long periods of unemployment and non-employment and for whom early retirement was a realistic option , i.e. those aged 60–64 , who were most likely to say that it would be very effective in dealing with unemployment : 46 per cent , compared with 34 per cent of the 55–59 age-group and 30 per cent of those under 30 .
12 The After Redundancy study suggests that it was those on the demand side and , in the first instance , the redundancy itself .
13 Although not all authorities responded ( and it was those with strong Conservative majorities which failed to do so ) , the effect of the circular was dramatic .
14 On the river 's northern bank a troop of black-uniformed Prussian Hussars shadowed the Red Lancers , and it was those Hussars who , rounding a bend in the Sambre Valley , discovered a party of French engineers floating a pontoon bridge off the southern bank .
15 Allen was to play an important role in the story of the BUF , in general it was those who came to fascism from outside politics who were to prove the most important elements in the organization .
16 However , according to our first prevalence study , it was those areas characterised by the greatest levels of social deprivation that contained both the largest absolute numbers of users and the highest proportions of users .
17 Two hundred years ago it was those recipes listed under the heading of creams which were much more like the fruit fools of today .
18 Conditions such as those were quite common to many thousands of people and I think it was those conditions which helped to formulate and develop my political thinking .
19 And it was those of liberal and moderate socialist leaders , men like Miliukov and Kerensky , which exerted greatest influence .
20 At the same time , it was those with the highest level of education who were best able to draw from particular grievances — against their own foreman or management — a more general analysis of the system which oppressed them .
21 It was those with the highest levels of skill in whom the capacity for independent thought and initiative was most developed .
22 It was those with the deepest roots in industry and the urban environment who developed the strongest sense of the workers as a class apart with its own distinctive interests and goals .
23 Secretly Stella thought Mary Deare resembled a monkey rather than a bird ; it was those opaque , unblinking eyes .
24 It was those
25 It was those clever , smug Royal sorcerers , who wove the spell of punishment . ’
26 Despite our spectacular surroundings it was those people who made our trek the memorable experience it was .
27 There would always be that fear that it a similar incident might happen and er and that er it was those who were asleep at the time who were unlucky enough not to survive .
28 You see , it was those eyes , so blue in a face so dark , one of God 's most beautiful mixtures .
29 But it was those two who ruled the roost .
30 It was those factors as much as individuals ' ability which won the league 2 seasons ago .
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