Example sentences of "[pers pn] is from " in BNC.

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1 → Ibanez made Blazers between 1980–82 at the Fuji factory in Japan and the serial number would indicate that yours is from ‘ 82 .
2 If it is n't dated , how can you tell if yours is from the golden period ?
3 ‘ Margaret Thatcher shows that she is from the Greta Garbo school of diplomacy : ‘ I want to be alone . ’
4 To provide an illustration , a child who gets into trouble is much more likely to come before a court if he or she is from a poor home and has parents who do not get on with the welfare authorities or the police , than if his or her family is prosperous , respectable and willing to co-operate with the police and social services .
5 But how very far she is from the truth , Ruth thought .
6 She is from Derry , Northern Ireland , but has lived in New York state ever since she entered .
7 She is from a good family ( by Le Bavard ) and has plenty of speed , but needs it soft .
8 She is from a noble family .
9 She is called Bernadette and she is from Newcastle .
10 Los Angeles remains governable , the next mayor , whatever ethnic or interest group he or she is from will find acceptance as he had .
11 And then we have a member from Wales on the Central Council of the World Council of Churches , Miss Carole who er , although she is from Wales , member of the church of Wales she now lives in Belfast .
12 All I 'm giving you is from the radio and the PA tape .
13 He sweated coldly , shut his eyes , and forced the words to come : ‘ It is from the elevated mind of France that the folly of titles has fallen .
14 Viewed from one angle , a current account deficit is merely the necessary counterpart of a capital account surplus , and it is from this point that Nigel Lawson 's defensive intellectual outworks run .
15 The movement became a tradition which is only now degenerating to a faction , and it is from that tradition Dr Runcie springs .
16 The floodgates were now open and it is from here that the reverse sequence of On the Look-Out commences .
17 It is from these villages and their ski areas that the most impressive mountain scenery is to be seen .
18 It is from South Africa that Marjorie Pearson , No 8833346 , writes to complain that there is never any mention of WAAF dental or medical orderlies .
19 It is from an avowedly philosophical perspective that Roger Scruton announces ‘ the major structural feature of perversion ’ to be ‘ the habit of finding a sexual release that avoids or abolishes the other , obliterating his embodiment with the obscene perception of his body ’ ; as such , believes Scruton , it is narcissistic and often solipsistic ( Sexual Desire , 289,343 ) .
20 It is from just these categories that notions of sensibility traditionally take their meaning .
21 It is from these uncertain interstices that there emerge Fanon 's challenges to Enlightenment ‘ Man ’ , and indeed to the very idea of an essential human subject ; Bhabha finds in Fanon a powerful and subversive sense of identity as involving a split , precarious , contradictory relation to the Other , the upshot of which is a radical ambivalence , destructive but also potentially empowering .
22 Human existence , for Marx and Engels , occurs in terms of people 's concepts , which are incorporated in their mode of life and their subjective experience , but it is from man 's interaction with nature and from the history of this interaction that these ideas , beliefs , and values are created in the first place .
23 Distant though it is from the Gulf , the Maghreb has been deeply affected by the war .
24 It is a happiness so mild and cool that it is like a kind of saintliness after passion : yet it is not satiety … for if she has any unhealth , it is from me ; and that more of her lips than in her heart . ’
25 We know just how exorbitant it is from references elsewhere in the Old Testament .
26 And it might even be said that it is from this , far more than from early Christianity , that we have inherited our sense of the dubious physical nature of the female , and our idea that the human norm is male and that to be female is in itself a pathological state .
27 It is from his home , set in ½ acre garden , that Harry has presented over 50 programmes of his popular TVS gardening programme That 's Gardening .
28 In the same way we can also define short periods of currency life ; it is from the composition of hoards that we know , for example , that neither of the two principal coinages of late twelfth- and thirteenth-century England , the Short Cross coinage of 1180–1247 and the Long Cross coinage of 1247–79 , survived in circulation after their production had stopped .
29 It is from that kind of what the Germans call fingerspitzen Gefühl — just from the smell of it — that I had a pretty good idea that North was spending a lot of his time on Central American things .
30 It is from this period that the first two political bonds of the mid sixteenth century come .
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