Example sentences of "[pers pn] is at " in BNC.

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1 Yours is at the end there , ’ said the Headmaster .
2 On this occasion she is at a posh party , where she has taken a glass of champagne , but only ‘ to be sociable ’ — a motive which in anyone else would have driven Patrick to contemplate another of the umpteen blows he feels like unleashing — when the novelist unleashes one of his phonological jokes , which play on vagaries of pronunciation .
3 The pithy violence of Shostakovich 's First Sonata does not come naturally to her , but she is at home in the limpid impressionism of Rachmaninov 's G major Prelude , which on its own makes this disc worth having .
4 Ironically enough , on recovery her parents were gentler with her and began gradually to compromise to a certain extent , and now she is at a college of further education .
5 I suspect that Mum is angry about this , as she usually relies on me in the summer to look after my younger sister while she is at work .
6 Of course this is a self-destructive and lonely ‘ solution' ; Lucy herself admits that she has got caught up in a pattern of starving and bingeing which she is at the moment unable to see a way out of .
7 She is at the barricades , defending all sorts of unrespectable ideas .
8 The Bank of England , old nanny that she is at heart , always believes that it is good for her charges to learn patience .
9 His secretary , Shirley , smirks from behind her desk , self-righteous at being at her post before the boss , even though she is at this moment inspecting her face in a compact mirror .
10 She has just sold her first novel to Doubleday , and she is at work on another .
11 And the marriage is likely to be far happier than if she is working flat out while she is at home and blaming her husband for giving her no help .
12 If a husband wishes to set up his own business , his wife should think through the implications of having her husband at home all day , if she is at home too .
13 She is now reasonably well as long as she is at home , but car journeys and other people 's houses usually bring her symptoms on again .
14 This can meet her need temporarily when she is at some crisis point , providing , for all concerned , a trial period of living under the same roof , in this tactful guise of a holiday — without commitment on either side .
15 You quickly get past the point of worrying that there are no guitars here , Phil Ramone and the orchestra do a superb job of keeping the arrangements crisp and fresh , and the strings never overwhelm the singer , even when she is at her most whispering , as in the Marilyn vehicle ‘ I Want To Be Loved By You ’ and amidst the tragic melancholy of ‘ Gloomy Sunday ’ .
16 Moody , sensitive and sometimes secretive she is at the same time a little girl needing to be cuddled and a teenager requiring her own space .
17 But presented with the royal ultimatum to spend the festive season in the bosom of a family with which she is at war , Diana made her heartbreak decision .
18 ‘ I ask then that you , my dear cousin , will be the lady Anne 's chaperon and friend whilst she is at the Tower — any letters from you or the lady Anne to myself , may be sent via the cardinal who has agreed to serve me , and with the utmost discretion , in this matter .
19 Although the school holidays are difficult , her husband does shift work and could arrange his shifts to cover most of the time she is at work .
20 A view of Sugar 's cockpit as she is at Hendon today .
21 She is at play school and she will go to full school in January .
22 Thus Britain has committed heavy expenditures to just those areas in which she is at a massive comparative disadvantage against the USA .
23 She is at Jacks Hill Service Station . ’
24 ‘ If it was necessary to come to a decision on this aspect , I would have to say that , in my judgment , to go from the grandmother 's house where she is at the moment and leaving the job she has in Birkenhead with the Social Services Department , to Canada with no work and no money and living on charity and food banks , would be an intolerable situation for the child .
25 And , though I believe she is at heart a sensible girl , she might be driven to do something silly .
26 And the world will say : now she is at liberty to pursue her inclination , the parson is the man .
27 She is at our home in Suresnes .
28 In A Grammar of Metaphor she is at pains to show that in English poetry the relation of the verb metaphor to its proper term is weak and less important than its relation to its subject and objects : ‘ when a verb is metaphoric , its adaptability to the noun is so great that its relationship to it is direct , and much stronger than its relationship to the action it is ‘ replacing ’ ' ( 1958a:209 ) .
29 She is at her best describing the injustices of marriage and the grief surrounding the deaths of children .
30 She is a wooden ship , not unlike the old clippers we used to run for the grain trade before World War I , but she is at least a century older .
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