Example sentences of "[pers pn] is on " in BNC.

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1 You see he 's so unlucky that his is on all play .
2 Yours is on your desk . ’
3 Here 's yours , yours is on the radiator Richard .
4 Yours is on eight .
5 My report has to be on Ken Hurren 's desk before theirs is on the Prime Minister 's screen .
6 ‘ They say she is on borrowed time , ’ someone else said .
7 Her actions are unquestionably deedy ; they bear no theoretical burden , unlike Kirillov 's suicide ; they run deeper — while she is on the job — than the paper person in her , and they make a rigid , final opposing of the profane midwife and the God-seeking husband academic and quite inadequate to the novel .
8 She is on the floor playing with the family dachshund .
9 We can read into Las Meninas such a view of the Habsburgs ( Fig. 8 ) : Philip IV and Mariana are merely reflections , living in a world of grotesquerie and make-believe ; a tiny princess dressed as an adult with a skirt so stiff it makes her look as if she is on wheels , surrounded by curtseying maids , a dwarf , a midget , a huge dog with the ability to sleep through anything , and a great artist , aloof and all-powerful .
10 ‘ All I can tell you at the moment is that she is on the danger list .
11 She was due to have lunch with Miss Morgan last week apparently — she is on the phone , I looked .
12 I 'm sure it wo n't be long before she is on the most popular chat shows , telling us of commissions she has undertaken and regaling us with tales of her life when she was actress Delia Abraham , co-starring in the TV version of Nell Dunn 's Up The Junction , and appearing in rep alongside Kate O'Mara .
13 Tomorrow 's Europe must have a Bill of Rights and a Thatcher Carta , she cried , despite being about as keen on a Bill of Rights for Britain and a Social Charter for today 's EC as she is on workers ' soviets
14 She is on a constant diet .
15 She is on the Speaker 's panel of chairmen for Commons committees , so has experience of the chair .
16 Germany wants all the European currencies at her feet , and she is on the point of abusing her dominant position . '
17 Margaret befriends some of the workers and shows compassion for their sufferings , but when the crunch comes she is on the side of the master .
18 In Virginia Woolf 's To the Lighthouse there is a long passage in which Mrs Ramsay meditates after her child has been put to bed and she is on her own :
19 Sit her on a stranger 's knee and she may seem content , but compare her rigid posture with how relaxed she is on a parent 's knee .
20 Here she is on Pascal , her nine-year-old Irish draught cross thoroughbred mare .
21 Lesley 's niece , Beverley Spencer , 18 , said : ‘ She is on a life support unit but you can talk to her and she can flicker her eyes in response but that is about it .
22 But on a more general level we need to realise that the church is not down and out because she is on the privatised and peripheral margins of society .
23 She is on her way to the art gallery that she runs , where she will be presiding over a private viewing later in the day .
24 She is on her way to visit a patient , or teach a group of school children .
25 A playground supervisor is a guardian while she is on duty , acting with authority , keeping an eye out for trouble , intervening before tears or blood are shed !
26 She is on excellent terms with all the regular guests , and looks after them in a way which is almost maternal .
27 Christine certainly needs a lot of physical stamina as she is on her feet all day long .
28 Now she is on the verge of the Big Adventure .
29 As long as an MP declares he or she is on the take these payments somehow are deemed acceptable .
30 With this last push Penguin is building her up for HarperCollins to take over , for she is on the move .
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