Example sentences of "[pers pn] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Am I in that ?
2 I , I in actual fact went to the er , Remembrance Day Parade and to see those kids do a silent drill , it 's unbelievable .
3 Sh that th the people were willing to make promises that they did not wish to keep that they would not keep and I in all sincerity could not let them do that , and they went away extremely hurt and that particular situation unfortunately became extremely tragic later on .
4 But one time er I 'd been er I were wounded and I 'd come out of er they bring you to casual clearly stations , thousands got into one I in this ward er tents and best way they could you know and nurses there and all .
5 Where am I in this name ?
6 Cooks and lawyers need to use words in their own special ways , and so do I in this book .
7 Why am I in this position ?
8 yes I see , I think er unfortunately doctor I in this particular case I ought to make an order for certificate for counsel erm in the current , in respect of the costs incurred below on the thirteenth of August seems to me do er the proper kind of case in which to instruct counsel .
9 And yet … do I in any sense believe that poor old Eddy shall put on immortality ?
10 Sir , may I in particular you sir , thank you for the unfailing good humour with which you have conducted this enquiry .
11 I 'm not , put no friend of yours in that box !
12 Yours in antiseptic ,
13 On the way you can tell me what 's happened to make you lather up that great horse of yours in such a fashion . ’
14 Beautiful though your age is , many though the intellects that adorn it , and ugly though my age is , cruel many of its leaders , I believe that the period from which I come is to be preferred to yours in this respect .
15 That 's yours in this morning is it ?
16 This is yours in this morning ?
17 Like everyone else you must have your face-saver ; yours in particular being that , in the quality newspapers at least , the mind is interesting , the body is not .
18 I could get myself into trouble with a colleague of yours in another town but er I am hopeful , so as I say , er on the seventeenth of January then we could be returning to the situation and I understand in nineteen seventy four when there was a sergeant and six constables here in until the demise of the Urban District Council when they were all moved to .
19 Do n't sell yours in any second-hand dealing in the Union .
20 Will the number one plate be his in 1992 ?
21 But she was in the right and so she held her body erect , her tiny , heart-shaped face raised to his in haughty indifference however close to angry tears she might be .
22 She could hear Penry 's heart pounding against hers , as her kisses matched his in utter frenzy .
23 Through a half-open door she saw a glimmer of white and stiffened , nauseated , as she saw Melanie over Penry 's shoulder , her face held up to his in impassioned invitation .
24 Bach wrote all his in 3/4 , though they are by no means all meant to go at one tempo .
25 She was naked , completely naked , and she could hear his harshly muttered words of desire ; they excited her beyond belief , her body twisting against his in mindless fever , all flesh and blood and pulse .
26 The City 's still his in some way , held in trust . ’
27 Well yeah I guess I did he gets confidence and he walks up with this he 's getting cockier by the minute and he 's well proud and he 's got he sees this , his in this bar trying to chat up this woman , he says I need a , I need a did n't he say I need a smoke or something , so he looks for a woman
28 But his path differed from theirs in one important respect .
29 The house which in everyday discourse the wife and husband regarded as ‘ theirs ’ turned out in legal discourse to be capable of being theirs in many different ways .
30 But three ordinary people with very different lifestyles are about to display theirs in public .
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