Example sentences of "[pers pn] that were " in BNC.

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1 and they could n't find anybody living round by me that were employed .
2 Having read this I was drawn to the words of the Apostle Paul when he wrote ‘ But when the fulness of time was come , God sent forth his Son , made of a woman , made under the law , to redeem them that were under the law , that we might receive the adoption of sons . ’
3 The more of them that were shipped abroad , the better for them ( because they would improve their conditions ) and for those left behind ( because the labour market would be less overstocked ) .
4 yeah and so I could see the blokes and tell them that were crap at rugby !
5 and all of , all of the good clean three be twos that he could find them that were season , they had , they , they took it all
6 It was in the summer holidays and Matthew was going to start school , so he he 's just had his fourth birthday just had his fourth birthday when he moved in here , the twins that were coming up to their second yeah Matthew like , like Gemma , Gemma yeah and by the time I knew you that were n't the summer after
7 ‘ I had discovered a few things about him that were very … hurtful .
8 She set to work with a vengeance , losing herself in the difficult task of making all those fiercely vivid images of him that were swirling around in her head tangible .
9 representing that , but you know and I know that it did n't stay like that , I do n't know how long , but it did n't stay like it for very long because sin crept in , that circle was marred , it was twisted , that intermit original fellowship with God was broken , let me read you a verse there in Genesis chapter three and verse eight , it 's , it 's Adam and Eve it says they heard the sound of the lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord God among the trees of the garden , for the first time since Adam had first been created they hide from God , they hear him coming , it 's the time when God will come , and they hear him that were walking through the garden using picture language , and they go and hide , they 're ashamed to see him , they do n't want to look upon him , something has happened that perfect circle has been marred , what it was like yesterday , things are different now , there 's that unclean feeling , there 's that guilt complex , we 've done it wrong , we 've failed to keep what God 's said , we 've broken the rules and when you break the rules , it 's not just the rules that are broken is it , you know it and I know it , in relationships , it 's not just the rules that get broken , it 's the relationship is marred .
10 He was really getting to her , and it was n't only the accusations he was flinging at her that were doing the damage .
11 And I looked upon the earth and saw a dish set , and workmen lying by it , and their hands were in the dish : and they that were chewing chewed not , and they that were lifting the food lifted it not , and they that put it to their mouth put it not thereto , but the faces of all of them were looking upward .
12 And I looked upon the earth and saw a dish set , and workmen lying by it , and their hands were in the dish : and they that were chewing chewed not , and they that were lifting the food lifted it not , and they that put it to their mouth put it not thereto , but the faces of all of them were looking upward .
13 One example is the Bodo skull , which created a stir last year when White described cut marks around it that were consistent with the owner of the skull having been scalped .
14 The river was almost half a mile wide , with several islets dotted throughout it that were alive with wildfowl .
15 So , you said that was the first thing , or were , was it that were both it
16 how is it that were still
17 It was the rest of us that were so bored .
18 Which was pretty demoralizing for us that were in the water at the time but
19 She did , I 'd never forget it as long as I live , I thought to myself well you stupid cow , all she could think of was a fifty pence key , so I , I said to them , I said to the girls I 'm glad to be out but of course when they all went cos there was Lynda and all the girls from customer service that were kicked out and all of us that were there and they all said oh we 've got ta go back to work and we said oh ai n't that a shame you know , and we all went
20 Well the big there 's gon na be big problems really because erm there used to be two of us that were F grades , yeah ?
21 er Teresa and Liz were the three of us that were .
22 You know very often , in fact usually the best way of working things out is to go right back to the beginning is n't it , it , to start off at square one and the trouble is sometimes we want to start in the middle , we want to pick it up where we think we can come in and it does n't work that way , we 've got to go right back to the beginning , and what is it at the beginning , well we look to see how God , what God 's plan and his purpose for us is , how God made us , it tells us there in the book of Genesis in the first chapter in verse twenty seven , that God created us to be like himself and you 've got to look in the mirror and I 've got to look in the mirror , not just the glass mirror on the wall , but into the mirror of ourselves and realise we do n't have to be intellectuals , we do n't have to be astute observers , but even the very cursory of glances will show to us that were nothing like it , if God made you and me to be in his image , then something has gone wrong , but that 's how we started , that is how he made us and in making us to be like himself that does something tremendous because it gives to men and women , it gives to human kind a status and a responsibility in creation , he did not make you and me like the animals , no matter how wonderful their abilities are , they 've got tremendous instincts , they 've got tremendous homing instincts , how that tiny bird weighing , weighing less than an ounce can fly thousands and thousands of miles , for the first time and come back , six , nine months later to the very spot where it was hatched out of an nest , now you ca n't do it , I ca n't do it , but for all wonders that God has put into the , into his , to his creative to his , in , in his creation , in animals , in birds and in other creatures , he has done something that marks you and I humanity out above and beyond all his others creation , he has given to us a status and a responsibility
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