Example sentences of "[noun pl] [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Managers of the system have had a continuing battle for the funding and managerial autonomy required to run it , and the corporation 's survival has at times been in serious doubt .
2 Public health medicine has in many respects been in the vanguard of specialty training , with a unified training grade combining registrar and senior registrar grades since 1982 and a well structured training programme , which many regard as a model of its kind .
3 I agree that such a consequence would have followed had the parties been on equal terms .
4 I agree that such a consequence would have followed had the parties been on equal terms .
5 What had her motives been for keeping quiet then , for not behaving as ( perhaps ) most women would have behaved ?
6 well okay well just to wind up , I mean I 've been involved in this and people within the R Y A and the office for a good six months now and we fell well down the line , the reality is hardly any courses have started yet and there 's hardly any youngsters been on the water .
7 Have the parents been through an approved character test ? 3 .
8 Had the laundries been at the Riviera end all the detritus from the other businesses , the discarded vegetables and smashed fruit of the greengrocers , the scales and fish heads and guts deposited on the street by the two fishmongers , would have passed by and probably soiled some of the clothes as the intermittent hosing down of the street caused all this muck and filth to edge its way slowly down towards the Bay .
9 The Sandinistas recognise that perestroika will bring changes in their relationship with Moscow , which has in recent years been worth around £625m annually , according to European diplomats .
10 But one of these , the Manas ( ‘ by far the most important wildlife reserve in the Indian subcontinent ’ — IUCN Pig and Peccaries Specialist Group ) , has for several years been in the hands of armed rebels .
11 Not only have food costs been above average , but the labour turnover has been relatively high , which is a little odd since Fred is generally considered to be genial and well liked ( though we must add that we have found no evidence that this is true as far as his staff are concerned ) .
12 Since when have Center Parcs been in London .
13 Never before in the CIA 's history had so many current and former intelligence operatives been under investigation , and the agency was further embarrassed by evidence on the monitoring of Sandinista government communications with seven Democratic congressmen who were critical of Reagan administration policy in Central America .
14 Lord of The Flies Critical Essay : Would it have been different had girls been on the island ?
15 The subject of whether or not the situation in Golding 's ‘ Lord of the Flies ’ would have been different had girls been on the island is very difficult to reach a decision on and depends on many things .
16 I think that , had the girls been from today 's society the situation may have been different but I will assume they are from the same background as the boys were .
17 ‘ Had the increase in pensions been in line with inflation in the 12 months ending April 1989 , a single person with the basic state pension would have received an additional £44.20 and a couple another £72.80 during the year , ’ said Mrs Greengross .
18 ‘ He hasnae been for the last three games . ’
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