Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] on " in BNC.

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1 A squadron of British Hussars were on duty in the rue de la Blanchisserie to keep the beggars away from the wealthy .
2 Gareth Hall was an emergency left back and the fans were on his back when he miskicked a ball .
3 As he came along the deck his legs were on a level with her eyes .
4 Many varied styles were on display with most of the paintings available for sale .
5 When the First World War broke out in 1914 schools were on holiday , which proved to be an advantage to the military authorities who promptly requisitioned the Yorkshire Institution for the Deaf at Doncaster and the Dundee School for the Deaf .
6 Not all memorable sightings were on the seaward side of the wall .
7 Gabriel noticed how grey the hairs were on the back of Woolley 's neck .
8 The old craft trades were on the whole the first to organize trade societies , giving the labour movement in Scotland a particular character and ( some have argued ) a particular ideology in which the influence of thrift , temperance and respectability was very marked .
9 At the bottom , a trio of guards were on duty , armed with flamers .
10 Some of the chateau guards were on the curtain walls , forcing back the scaling ladders placed there .
11 Archeologists were on hand .
12 Archeologists were on hand .
13 Johnson thought they ‘ remained convinced that the umpires were on some kind of personal mission to upset them ’ .
14 He come flying round that bend near mums and nearly his kids were on the side of the road and he come through there
15 The Hurricanes dived on them , but at once the escorting fighters were on their tails ; at least two ‘ convoys ’ were noted of Ju87 , Hurricane , Bf109E in line astern , all firing .
16 Talking Heads were on the radio .
17 It should be noted , however , that heads were on the whole reluctant to ascribe much more than moderate success to their coordinators in respect of any of these aims .
18 Tights were on the boiler , I 'd forgotten and run all the way ups down again
19 Two more Red Snappers were on their way .
20 The ‘ Heshang ’ authors were on a collision course with the conservatives by taking this stance .
21 Now , would n't it be possible to imagine someone who maintained both that motor cars were on our list of things that enhanced the quality of life and that travelling by motor car frequently took more time and demanded a greater outlay of labour than using various other means of transport ?
22 Born with a silver spoon in his mouth , as they say , his worries were on a much higher financial plane than those of us who worried about making the pay packet last to the end of the month .
23 So that , when young gentlemen were on the rampage , the past — instead of being used as a stick with which to beat the deteriorated present — became the justification for taking a lenient view .
24 Nine Iranians were on Feb. 1 ordered to leave the UK by Feb. 9 , on the grounds that their conduct was " not conducive to the public good " .
25 If the argument is accepted that dinosaurs were on their way to possessing a non-reptilian or bird-like heart , then as soon as the separation of the heart valves was complete it enabled the thecodonts , probably in the Triassic .
26 LORD Spencer 's death might have served to remind this country of the dread winter of 1978/1979 when rubbish was uncollected in the streets , the fire brigades were on strike , hospitals were picketed by auxiliary workers who demanded to approve all surgical operations , housewives fought each other over a cauliflower leaf and the dead lay unburied in every churchyard .
27 LANCASHIRE 'S England candidates were on trial at Old Trafford today in the Championship match against Graham Gooch 's Essex .
28 Too often the curriculum of the comprehensive school was that of the grammar , high status academic subjects were on offer to the academically able child and the rest suffered a watered down version of ‘ studies ’ : European for those judged not capable of sustaining a foreign language , classical for those not taking Latin and Greek , social for the non-geographers and historians , and rural for those not taking ‘ proper ’ science .
29 He looked up and all the way round ; all eyes were on him .
30 ‘ Did you notice how his eyes were on me almost right through the performance ?
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