Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] go " in BNC.

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1 The Western-financed dams received all the attention ; the numerous jobs that needed to be done if the dams were going to be of any use had scant priority .
2 The words were going into Charity 's brain but she was n't really registering them , her focus was so concentrated on the rhythm of the CPR .
3 When the fans were going , we could talk in almost normal voices .
4 erm and the North Koreans were going backwards at a vast rate of knots and in came the Chinese the Chinese army , it stood at that time I think at twenty five million men erm and , and Douglas started losing again , sad really is n't it ?
5 And th the pianos were going full blast !
6 The national press and media were travelling on the plane with Mrs Thatcher , but the local photographers and journalists were going directly to the airport ahead of time .
7 Then the guards were gone .
8 And when I heard the guards were going to cut our rations yet again … ’
9 Embalmers were going to have to do the same .
10 Sitting in a bus next morning , eating pineapple and waiting for the driver , we heard that the survivors were going to walk on fiery coals that night down on the fairground .
11 The laser pulses were going wide , creating a tunnel of light-streams down which the shuttle sped unharmed .
12 ‘ Some of the other kids were going down to the Ash Grove later , ’ she complained .
13 The kids were going through the practical joke stage and , having exhausted their repertoire on us , were delighted to have a new victim .
14 Some of these kids were going down fast .
15 Erm I mean maybe they have n't had very much , but erm but in , in a sense there 's a sort of huge commitment on their part to that , because they actually , I remember some chap came over to do the talk and I think he 's got four kids and he said , well you know , I did n't know how my kids were going to react to people fine you know
16 But at least she knew her kids were going to grow up : I know nothing 's going to change for the better with her .
17 The reason that a lot of the older players are going is because they did n't produce the goods when the club needed it most at least the kids were going out battling .
18 Away to the left across the fields , and probably in the area of No. 3 Commando , flares were going up , followed by very rapid rifle and machine gun fire .
19 These select committees were not intended to be tied to producing particular reports , but were to collect information and let the House and the public know what disputes were going on and what agreements were being reached within ministries , between them and between civil servants and outside pressure groups .
20 I did the pictures , but I remember being horrified that these pictures were going to be printed .
21 The pictures were going to have a final edit anyway it certainly was not simply a question of the controversy which started late last week . ’
22 They urged that if the loyalist political parties were to go into the convention without having in reserve the weapon of the general strike , they would be as naked and helpless as Aneurin Bevan , the post-war foreign secretary , had said Britain would be in international councils if she were unilaterally to discard her nuclear weapons .
23 His doubts were gone , banished .
24 This is true , of course , in so far as it means that no contemporary authors were going to write stories about a single murderer being exposed when lawlessness was rife and human life generally seen as of little account .
25 The difference between the early days and 1976 was that cars were going a lot faster — Lauda himself had been the first to break the magical seven-minute lap in 1975 — and that very little had been done to make the track safer .
26 I had trouble even pushing the bike up , but cars were going up ( and down ! ) to the houses .
27 Railwaymen were going to object to funds being used to further the political careers of such men .
28 The AA says lights would help , but police insist that once again drivers were going too fast in fog .
29 At first he was sure that the eyes were gone , like holes out of pumpkin or blood orange .
30 Would they stop a great painter painting just because his eyes were going and his brushwork was n't as good ?
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