Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] follow " in BNC.

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1 The brief guides to subject areas taught in the Faculty of Arts that follow are intended to help in coming to a decision .
2 It was shown in the fourteenth-century Queen Mary Psalter and many times in the centuries that followed , but it was later rejected as an imaginative fiction .
3 We have been bemused too long by the great military roads of the Romans and have not given enough thought and research to the local ‘ economic ’ roads that developed during the two or three centuries that followed the Conquest and the brief phase of military occupation .
4 In the centuries that followed such shadings were shown to be transitory , and from these and other observations it became clear that Venus is completely and continuously covered in clouds .
5 The Fantasia in F minor , written for mechanical organ but one of the composer 's most intensely dramatic utterances , comes off fairly well ( but not as well as with Frantz and Eschenbach , who are compelling in this great work ) , but I still prefer the weight and variety of organ tone here ; and if the Adagio of the C minor Fugue with its two-piano writing is a trifle ponderous , the D major Sonata for two pianos that follows is not all so .
6 He says that the skill shortages that followed cut-backs in the 1979–81 recession forced industry to recognise the importance of training .
7 The disputes that followed were to drive a wedge between Law and Docherty which persist with increasing bile and acrimony to the present day .
8 With stable macro policies of either a monetary or a fiscal kind , rational expectations on behalf of economic agents mean that such agents fully appreciate the signals that trigger government policy and the prescriptions that follow , internalizing this into their behaviour .
9 Like all the books that followed , Ragged Dick told the story of a young man who , by pluck and luck , rises from his lowly station to earn a respectable job and the promise of a better life .
10 The books that follow this pattern are at first sight attractive , ideal for ‘ face-on ’ displays , and can even seem to have some serious purpose .
11 Her belief gave her hope ; her sweet warm voice rang out the thanks that follow the baptism .
12 Always short , it 's used to introduce the riders individually , establish the general classification and thus give a pecking order to the team cars that follow the race .
13 Finally , he is drawn to the essence of Muir 's genius which he sees as that of ‘ the sensibility of the remote islander ’ , and the words that follow give one final transformation of the savage and city motif , when he describes Muir as ‘ the boy from a simple primitive offshore community who then was plunged into the sordid horror of industrialism in Glasgow , who struggled to understand the modern world of the metropolis in London …
14 Shared worship , moreover , increases the trust and security which the words that follow my suggested addendum make clear .
15 If one can find that the things described by particular words have some common characteristic one ought to limit the general words that follow them to things of that genus ( Lambourn v McLellan [ 1903 ] 2 Ch 268 ) .
16 It has become a sad fact of life that during the months that follow Christmas even more animals require food and shelter as they have , through no fault of their own , outgrown their novelty attraction .
17 The months that followed were , of course , some of the most emotional , turbulent , violent and traumatic in recent American history .
18 They seem , in the months that followed , to have lived with a new intensity , half-knowing that their shared joy in creativity and friendship might never be repeated .
19 Sometimes in the weeks and months that followed , I would say I would rather not talk about her in front of her .
20 In the months that followed the Allies stripped Germany of all its overseas possessions and colonies , 13 per cent of its territory in Europe , 10 per cent of its population , 75 per cent of its iron-ore deposits , 45 per cent of its coal fields , 10 per cent of its industrial capacity , 44 per cent of its pig-iron facilities , 38 per cent of its steel facilities , 72 per cent of its zinc sources , and 12 per cent of its farmlands .
21 He was sufficiently influenced by the Lewisham events to seek a ban on similar marches in the months that followed .
22 During the months that followed , John 's life was miserable .
23 During the months that followed , as Mussolini bombed and gassed the Abyssinians into subjection , no serious attempts were made by the British Government to implement effective sanctions .
24 The distinction between the BUF and the Nazi SA grew finer in the months that followed .
25 In the months that followed October the government gradually regained the initiative .
26 The economic situation worsened dramatically in the months that followed October as soldiers flocked home and military orders to industry abruptly halted .
27 This ‘ new thinking ’ in Soviet foreign policy was set out more fully over the months that followed .
28 As I cleaned the little beauty and mounted it in my new display case , I promised myself that I would do everything possible to provide it with a few companions in the months that followed .
29 It was largely due to him that I managed to negotiate successfully with government officials and tribal chiefs during the months that followed .
30 Over the months that followed , the Association supported Mr. Holden in his quest for re-instatement to his former position in the Bank and the vindication of his reputation .
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