Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] about " in BNC.

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1 There is no trim , mixture , flaps , prop control or gyros to worry about , so with a final tug at the harness , one can only glare balefully at the JAP again , decide that it has kept going thus far and may therefore be relied upon to continue doing so for a few minutes longer , and prepare to commit aviation .
2 It tears my heart out whenever I hear of a mining tragedy and because I am not there to help or even to sympathise , something inside me feels the need to shout to all people , southerners especially who have never had fathers , husbands , sons to worry about when each day they are swallowed into the apron of the earth .
3 David Nicholson says his yard is a fantastic place … all the horses and all the staff are more relaxed because there 's no roads to worry about and there 's plenty of room for them to roam … the horses are eating more and training hard
4 There are three main sorts to worry about : disturbances in Eastern Europe ; attacks on NATO countries from outside the old Warsaw Pact area ( say , an attack on Turkey by Iraq ) ; and , knottiest of all , conflicts such as the Gulf war , which fall outside the NATO treaty .
5 It 's those powerful , dangerous , unpredictable creatures , people , and how they view the world — which actually is something for animals to worry about : if nothing else , it affects what gets what in the conservation stakes .
6 As the atoms are introduced lesson by lesson , pupils use the cubes and dowel rods to predict about a dozen molecules .
7 The Arts : Suitable subjects to sing about ?
8 If your answer is vague ( e.g. ‘ He is always disobedient ’ ) , it is impossible to plan your strategy and tactics to bring about change .
9 Radiance Strathdee , the author of research carried out for Centrepoint , said this was not enough : ‘ There is a need for the government to get round the table with local authorities , not to lay down guidance , but to look at strategies to set about moving the impasse which exists ’ .
10 But with the honour of hundreds of steam enthusiasts to worry about , David Smith was confident his 1924 Aveling and Porter steamroller would streak to victory :
11 In the rings , there were only hermits to worry about .
12 In any case he had more pressing matters to worry about .
13 The European Commission allows assisted areas to cover about 35 per cent .
14 However , the success of Houston and the failure of Wegg Prosser , coupled with the emergence of East End populist orators like E.G. ‘ Mick ’ Clarke , combined with increased hostility by militant working-class and Jewish elements to bring about a rapid reversal of policy .
15 Like other movements to bring about change in the same period antislavery had to find ways of attracting the attention and gaining the support of those who could advance the cause .
16 I came here briefly last year and found it the most comfortable of cities to walk about in , so I 'm here for two months to learn Spanish . ’
17 Yet , because of a prevailing conservatism among the sport 's administrators , most of these changes took at least twenty years to come about .
18 One reason is that it may not leave sufficient motivation for the individuals to set about increasing the value of the company .
19 The modest Japanese demand for Grimshaw and a few other Victorian artists such as Henry Parker , Breanski and David James is now subdued , though Christie 's expect Japanese dealers to take about 5% of a Victorian sale .
20 What is interesting , however , is that it has taken over ten years to bring about the changes Leonard anticipated .
21 Its ethos is to work through existing organisations to bring about change .
22 No cattle to worry about tonight he thought and settled down to the job in hand .
23 I 've picked A minor ( or C major ) for our four examples , as this is a common key for jamming and there are no sharps or flats to worry about when reading the licks .
24 There would n't be any ethical problems to worry about , because as that young man in the audience said , we 'd still be living in caves or the trees .
25 There are some people who attract fear , who gather things to worry about , to frighten themselves and to avoid behaving differently .
26 They may adopt a generally negative outlook on life , tending to anticipate and see problems where none exist , finding things to worry about .
27 At Ballingolin , Gerald Hussey had other things to worry about .
28 She had other things to worry about .
29 ‘ I 've got better things to worry about , ’ said my mother , not letting us forget for a moment her onerous wedding duties .
30 I have other things to worry about besides socks .
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