Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 EXPERTS given the task of finding the skills available in Middlesbrough have put the finishing touches to their City Challenge project .
2 The newly established courts treated the offenders too lightly for the liking of the authorities , and the press gave the case unwelcome publicity .
3 Soviet authorities persecuted the Lithuanian Catholic Church more harshly than those in the other Baltic states of Latvia and Estonia — which the Pope is also visiting — because it had become a rallying point against the communist government .
4 However , a number of independent legal experts regarded the deals as unfair and exceptional .
5 Through their effort in extreme simplification the early behaviourists treated the organism as a ‘ black box ’ with inputs ( stimuli ) and outputs ( responses ) .
6 Long , manicured fingers smoothed the cat 's coat .
7 If we look back to Chapter 1 , we can see that the constitutional authorities regarded the British constitution as properly providing for representative government of a liberal-democratic kind .
8 A national conference of some 50 shipowners and local shipowners ' associations held in London on 19 August 1890 gave its approval to the proposal and such was the urgency with which the employers regarded the situation , that less than a month elapsed before the Shipping Federation Ltd. was established .
9 By 1979 only 9 per cent of employers regarded the Plan as very important .
10 John , who had many times heard the distant rioting of armies of drunken , brawling navvies on a payday randy , recognized it at once .
11 There were fears of a crackdown in those republics demanding their independence , especially the Baltic states given the events of January 1991 [ see p. 37944-45 ] and more recent attacks on border posts [ see pp. 38302 ; 38350 ] .
12 ‘ Charles has at times given the impression that he would prefer to renounce the throne in favour of his son .
13 A recent poll showed that only 2% of Germans regarded the United States as a suitable model for their newly united nation — Switzerland topped the pops .
14 Contemporaries regarded the party as one of reform , although probably a majority of Liberal members in the new Parliament still were radicals of the old Gladstonian kind , placing financial retrenchment and self-help before costly reform .
15 The fact that Stock Exchange rules limited the scope of member firms to increase their capital meant that resources for technological innovation were limited .
16 A keen sportsman , he has several times completed the Great North Run .
17 It 's very interesting to note that in contemporary political philosophy there is almost no room left for democratic decision making because in most theories that we 're given , more or less everything is already decided at a constitutional level I mean think of theory of justice , it 's the theory of justice that decides the basic nature of a constitution so the role of members of a government is simply to interpret and apply the constitution so they can make the most efficient tax policies given the basic constitution , but no individual has the authority to challenge that constitution and change it by democratic means .
18 In contrast , the Harter Act 's draftsmen regarded the charter party as a contract for the lease of vessel space by parties of relatively equal bargaining power and knowledge .
19 Items to carry on to future agendas included the MacDonalds and affiliation and working with other groups .
20 Some who at various times occupied the houses were the McCabe , Brown , White , Lamb , Mann , Wells and Carson families .
21 Fossil evidence reveals that these giants occupied the woodlands and mountain forests of southern China until the ice ages drove them south into what are now the islands of Sumatra and Borneo .
22 At the far end four big ovens occupied the space , huge pipes leading up from them into the ceiling overhead .
23 The new papers , available on microfilm , were rescued from Joyce 's apartment in the Rue des Vignes in Paris in September 1940 , after he and his family fled before the Germans occupied the city .
24 Their glass eyes regarded the group blindly .
25 The blue eyes regarded the world with the slightly cynical assurance of a man accustomed to getting what he wanted when he wanted it by the simplest of expedients , that of paying for it .
26 The source of the effect seen in subjects given the S1-S2 treatment is accordingly difficult to interpret .
27 The probability of each of the possible tag combinations is then found from the transition matrices and the words assigned the relevant grammatical scores .
28 The cumulative number of words assigned the correct ranks for these texts are shown in diagrammatic form in fig 4.9a and 4.9b .
29 When he ran to call the police trays of fish were upset and passers-by given the products .
30 I have pointed out that the early structuralists treated the discursive elements in their analysis as ‘ natural ’ , as empirically given .
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