Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] were " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Most of the runners were from local clubs or were local people unattached to any organisation . ’
2 No cases are referred to in the judgments or were cited in argument .
3 Others reeked of herbs or were powdered with flour .
4 At first , this largely involved the search for loop-holes in central government legislation : if , for example , the rules suggested that future grant depended on spending in a particular year , then it was possible with little difficulty to prepare the accounts to show that spending had been higher or lower that year ( whichever was the required answer ) , More important , perhaps , as time went on , it become common for councils and their treasurers to seek new sources of funding which were not covered by the rules or were covered by different rules .
5 The proportion of vaccines exposed to >10°C was significantly higher when the journeys lasted more than 30 minutes or were greater than 3.2 km .
6 National campaigns , like the support for Edward VIII during the abdication crisis of 1936 , and the portrayal of the BUF as a peace movement in the later 1930s , either fell on deaf ears or were only partially successful in changing the focus of fascist politics from the parish pump and the anti-immigrant concerns of the East End of London to wider issues .
7 And were you paid at six months or were paid every
8 In spite of the promptings of self-interest these men took great risks and were illuminated by the concept of the romantic hero : failure meant death and entry into the liberal calendar of martyrs .
9 The rejoinder by the defendant to this pleading alleged that the notes were given by Samuel Revill and himself as sureties and were given for the securing of part of the father 's debt and for no other consideration or purpose .
10 The DJs heard six songs and were asked for advice on the first single .
11 The Mary Chain got things off to a low-key start with tasteful semi-acoustic versions of three songs and were followed by Collins in an extremely silly hat ( see above ) who chundered through his first solo single , ‘ Do n't Shilly Shally ’ .
12 The Mary Chain got things off to a low-key start with tasteful semi-acoustic versions of three songs and were followed by Collins in an extremely silly hat ( see above ) who chundered through his first solo single , ‘ Do n't Shilly Shally ’ .
13 The pyramids and sphynx were reportedly undamaged , but Al Ahram quoted the Culture Minister Farouk Hosni as saying that 60 of Egypt 's treasured monuments had severe fissures and were in need of " urgent rescue " .
14 The matron had told him that they had removed one of my legs and were going to have the other one off the following day .
15 The southerners had longer legs and were generally of a less heavy conformation ; their skin was thicker , their coat less silky and they were slower to mature .
16 The bed looked neat , smooth and austere , and the books on the table beside it had dark sober covers and were obviously devotional books and anthologies of poetry .
17 Similarly , managers and directors appeared to share an equivalent value orientation to the fans and were more receptive to their opinions .
18 these women were often sweetly reasonable , but used their vaginal muscles to fight their husbands and were afraid of men who might make demands on them .
19 Women were still expected to ‘ love , honour and obey ’ their husbands and were not allowed to decide their own destinies .
20 However , these novel contracts face stiff competition from the Euro-Top 100 Index contracts , which include UK equities and were launched simultaneously on 6th June 1991 by EOE and SOFFEX and later by MATIF .
21 The planning department found that business units considered the time horizon of the issues to be too long to be of relevance and these issues were therefore considered to be ‘ back of the mind ’ flagging signals and were therefore not acted on .
22 The two patients who did not respond to retaining refused to have a second training sessions and were lost to follow up , after three months .
23 Yesterday paper boys and girls were accompanied by their parents or big brothers and were n't allowed to start rounds until after it was light .
24 Etc , I regret to say , were sniping aircraft from Vichy , France , who flew over the channel , sometimes as low as twenty to thirty feet above the waves and were trigger happy .
25 Tall , fair men gazed into her eyes and were transformed .
26 And when nothing further was wanting the limbs began to move and unite themselves together , and both the maidens opened their eyes and were once more alive .
27 We also had looms and were taught weaving , basketwork and raffia .
28 Mixtures of thymocytes and stromal cells rapidly reform ( within 12 hours ) into intact thymus lobes and were analysed for T-cell development in terms of lymphoid content and TCR , CD4 and CD8 expression after 9 days in culture ( Fig.2 ) .
29 The school established in East Looe , whose boys were dressed by a charitable fund in light blue coats and caps and were known as ‘ blue boys ’ , also was dissolved early in the nineteenth century .
30 On Aug. 13 the government published a list of television companies which had been awarded official concessions and were thus entitled to continue broadcasting for the next six years beyond an Aug. 23 deadline .
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