Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] now " in BNC.

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1 It is complicated by intrusions , where sudden squalls or now from the bay 's 50-odd tributaries causes local mixing .
2 Of the non-QTS qualifications , the best known are those developed by the Royal Society of Arts and now administered by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate .
3 For f— 's sake , Morrissey is nothing more than an enormously overrated writer of terminally dull pop songs and now for some obscure reason is regarded as the new rock messiah by every spotty , snot-nosed sixth former in Britain , as well as most of the English music press who should know better .
4 They have built up a list of people all over the world who have been sending them football songs and now send Beatles covers as well .
5 Rather than face up to the horrendous alienation implied by such strong electoral support for Sinn Fein , the Government has closed its eyes and now compels the population to do the same .
6 The woman behind the counter had been gazing at her through strong spectacles and now scratched doubtfully at her moustache with a thumb-nail .
7 Alan Milburn , Darlington 's Labour candidate , said : ‘ All the evidence suggests that fares are rising , that pensioners will loose their concessions and now services to Darlington will suffer as well .
8 Dot wished , after all , that Gloria had n't gone out because Gloria liked parties and now she was missing it .
9 We had a good meeting today , the problems were explained to the interested parties and now we are in the hands of the Football League . ’
10 Structural innovation means the introduction of new credit instruments or the development of new kinds of business by banks , such as the invention by Citibank of Certificates of Deposit in 1965 or the introduction of Money Market Funds and NOW accounts by Merrill Lynch in the mid-1970s .
11 Unfortunately , the consumers themselves and some of the organisations which represent them have fallen into the trap of confusing short-term expediencies with long-term solutions and now find that this focus on concessions may have actually distorted the argument for a decent income in later life .
12 The PDS-3 machines , which the company says it is pitching between Sun 's Sparcstation 2 and Sparcstation 10 offerings — will be available in the UK from Pinnacle Data Systems Europe Ltd , Dunstable , Bedfordshire — formerly known as Unix Solutions and now trading under the Pinnacle name — with European distributors being lined up .
13 He 's been doing it for centuries and now he thinks he 's king
14 Denplan Care was set up five years ago by two dentists and now has 200,000 patients and 3,000 dentists .
15 They have even given up their company cars and now tout for business in the firm 's delivery van .
16 They had found it difficult to part but , as things were getting desperate , they turned to magic and said ‘ Abracadabra , one , two , three , say the magic words and now we 're free ’ .
17 As his cricketing career nears its close , he continues to show his versatility with marathon charity walks and now two man chat shows in partnership with his friend Viv Richards .
18 Solbourne , forced to reorganise its operations after struggling in an already overcrowded sparc-compatible market , cut its losses and now sells its Sparc-based systems through indirect sales channels only in Europe .
19 She was so abused as a child she sort refuge in the stables and now thinks she 's a horse .
20 The products , internally tested over the last six months and now going into formal beta test , will be available direct and through value-added resellers in the current quarter .
21 The products , internally tested the last six months and now going into formal beta , will be available direct and through VARs in the second quarter .
22 The adhesion of Seville , the virtual capital of the early months and now strong in the victory of Bailén , was decisive .
23 That includes a broomhandle type for three months and now an old hickory-shafted one which his father gave him last weekend .
24 He said : ‘ I have been out for nearly 14 months and now there is a great rush to get me back in the squad .
25 Less than four months and now and that
26 ROBERT ALNER continued his relentless progress towards taking The Daily Telegraph Men 's Championship at Portman on Saturday when he rode three winners and now leads Philip Scholfield — who was restricted to one success at the Dartmoor — by 22 to 13 .
27 The IHEI , featuring 11 international hotel groups and two million hotel bedrooms and now hoping to attract more , was born .
28 He could n't start on his plane because there were n't any helpful books and now Mr Crangle was probably going to catch the Bookman before he could make friends with him .
29 his dad , played for Lincoln City and once for Darlington on loan ; eldest brother Mark was on Hartlepool 's books and now enjoys Northern League football with Murton .
30 A 750 delegate Conference Centre , a new Exhibition level at Olympia , new restaurants and now Earls Court 2 — a brand new 17,000 sq m hall — these are all part of our recent investment programme .
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