Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] because " in BNC.

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1 Abortion usually provides the last chance for a woman to opt not to have a child ( unless she is prepared to offer it for adoption ) either for social reasons or because the fetus is in some way malformed .
2 It is vital that all external constraints are known at this stage , otherwise all the short-listed options may be for bridges when , for environmental reasons or because of the proximity of an airport , only a tunnel is possible .
3 Thirteen would have been unable to cope with the elimination regimen for social reasons or because of poor understanding , eight had tight small intestinal strictures , and eight were on high dose steroids ( both of which would have made the results difficult to interpret ) , four refused , two were treated for postoperative fistulas , two were pregnant , and one was treated for extensive pyoderma gangrenosum and had no gastrointestinal symptoms .
4 When Dot began to cry she was n't sure if it was because of thinking about poor Mr Brown 's two missing fingers or because she could n't remember what her father 's face looked like , or merely because of the alarming new orders about train departures cackling from the loudspeakers .
5 For many teachers the self-appraisal failed to be a major event , either because they were not required to participate in any review activities or because they were unable or unwilling to devote much time to it .
6 Yeah I think at the onset of the strike there were a few people who were considered likely to be forced to get back to work or to go back to work , because of what they 'd said , because of well just you know because of what they say in the meetings or because of what they did n't say in the meetings .
7 Darwin realized that many secondary sexual differences were a consequence of the greater intensity of competition between males for access to mates and that many traits were more highly developed in males either because they conferred an advantage in fights or because they rendered their possessor more attractive to females .
8 A catastrophe can happen when the system energy is no longer channelled as intended by the designers or because there is a release of toxic substances or both .
9 Other fluids are sometimes used because they give better values of the governing parameters or because they have properties particularly appropriate to an experiment .
10 It was either because they were non-Greek speakers or because the Romans had trouble understanding the Celtic tongue .
11 Clearly compensation for people on low incomes is to be aimed only at those on income support , even though many disabled people have extra heating costs associated with their disability , and many others on low incomes , such as pensioners , may narrowly miss out because of small savings or because they do not qualify for means-tested benefits , but still live at income support level .
12 Women are becoming more prone to alcohol dependence , either through similar career demands or because of loneliness , boredom or the heavy demands made by family and older relatives .
13 At the further confidential statement by Mr runs to four pages er , sorry , I 'm sorry , runs to four paragraphs and because of the insight into the plaintiff before the accident I will read it in its entirety .
14 Bush rejected the campaign finance bill , the first such measure to have been approved by Congress in more than a decade of partisan dispute over the issue , on the grounds that it offered public subsidies to House and Senate candidates and because it did not eliminate donations from political action committees ( PACs ) .
15 He played a vital role because the Lords were central to Unionist tactics and because the only alternative leaders there — Selborne or Curzon — had each alienated some Unionist peers by their actions in 1911 .
16 Because the machine is produced and factory aligned as a double bed with the needles sitting in individual channels and because of the addition of the pushing down wheels , the tuck knitting is more easily made , with its stitch formation more accurate , without the lateral distortion than can occur within the stitches made on a machine that does not have needle channels .
17 and then getting all the the chassis numbers and that and welding them on to these stolen cars and Because what , you know , er Siobhan 's dad had a , bought a Montego and I do n't know how it came about but they discovered that erm it had a diff I mean it 's had a Maestro engine in it and it had this that and the other .
18 But perhaps I give that impression because I have strong views on certain subjects and because I do n't go in for the social whirl , for fast cars and fast women . ’
19 The finding that this was indeed the case is of interest because the potential employers professed to operate a policy of equal opportunities and because such discrimination is illegal .
20 Very few books on human rights are published in sub-Sharan Africa , both because of the fear of reprisals and because of economic constraints .
21 Very few books on human rights are published in sub-Sharan Africa , both because of the fear of reprisals and because of economic constraints .
22 Because greater openness increasingly characterizes many social relationships and because of the other changes taking place within the institution of adoption , open adoption , adoption with contact and even shared parenting are likely to become a more permanent feature within the institution of adoption .
23 ‘ He wants to go back to Africa to make amends and because he really liked the place , ’ a spokesman said .
24 Mud is today rejected because of the inegalitarian social plan of most developing nations and because it does not allow housing professionals any control over the housing process , and indeed would make them largely irrelevant .
25 It appears that this procedure is rarely used because of the ignorance and fear of disgruntled clients and because there appears to be a generally high level of satisfaction with the services provided .
26 As the same alanine and glycine codons are present at these positions in both human and bovine cDNA sequences and because the human gene , where analysed ( data not shown ) , has the same intron/exon boundaries , we suggest that these conclusions are applicable to the GGF gene structure and to the mRNA splicing patterns in both species .
27 There is a need , above all , for an environment in which a fledgling ( or established ) business will feel comfortable and wish to remain , because of local amenities and because of the availability of a healthy , happy , well-equipped workforce .
28 Erm but down in the Rift Valley the Pocot people were a very different tribe , they wore leather , little tiny leather skirts and cowrie shells and nothing here , and it was very very hot , and they were a nomadic people who erm moved about with their animals but because , when I was there , there 'd been a very bad drought , they 'd had to erm just beg really for food .
29 The keyboards could put copy into the computers but because of the software problem the computers refuse to release it .
30 Trousers , she now realised , were so designed not because their wearers had funny legs but because men were constantly worried that an essential part of themselves might have gone missing .
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