Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Waiting list initiatives have had exactly the same effect — because money was diverted to solve a politically sensitive problem , health care rationing priorities have been distorted so that in some cases cash rather than clinical need dictates who gets treated .
2 Laney go to great lengths in their literature to point out that , while the two different technologies remain mutually exclusive , each has its good points and there is no reason why both should not co-exist .
3 The repressor molecules bind very stably to an ‘ operator ’ region of the chromosome ( O ) , and block the synthesis of messenger RNA from the genes G 1 , G 2 , and G 3 .
4 It was only in the last six or seven years of his life that he discovered that his talents lay elsewhere : in polemics , above all , and in what Waugh in his letter of thanks for Animal Farm had called ingenious and delightful allegory .
5 It was Horne 's ability as a writer , editor , and speaker , that brought the partnership 's discoveries to the public , for Peach 's talents lay elsewhere .
6 The cash-and-carry transactions used to determine the CTD bond for a given futures price can also be used to determine the fair price of the futures contract once the price of the CTD bond is known .
7 If this were not the case and F t < E ( S T ) , a trader who bought a futures contract now and held it to delivery would , on average , make a profit of E ( S T ) - F t .
8 Similarly , if F t > E ( S T ) a trader who sold a futures contract now and held it to delivery would expect to make a profit of F t - E ( S T ) .
9 Their meanings change continually to suit the circumstances in which they are used .
10 Some meanings change totally .
11 As for Hellinck and Lupi , their work is a chaos of dubious attributions but motets bulk largely in it .
12 The European Commission 's COMETT programme is aimed at high-level technology training , and its projects bring together the providers and users of training .
13 The elevator loads remain almost constant at all speeds and are so low that any jerky movement may result in very high ‘ g ’ loadings .
14 There is also a National Council for Urdu Teaching , formed from two previously existing working parties in 1984 : its termly meetings bring together colleagues from a number of different areas .
15 This is of clear benefit to French artists but as the present exhibition shows , other European artists gain also .
16 Ankles remain together at all times and feet should be over the knees .
17 Many partnerships , of course , are characterised by much more superficial , less close relationships between education and business where , crucially , activities remain largely separate from the mainstream activities of both and owned only by those individuals who are involved rather their organisations .
18 However , prisoners remain heavily dependent on what visitors bring in for them , as the prison budget allows about US 10 cents a day per person .
19 Despite the fact that the state has decided to put them to death , many prisoners remain positively patriotic , and refuse to dismiss the notion that America 's injustices can not be reformed .
20 Herons land nearby and stalk the shallows or stand and roost .
21 Most private sector employers advertise locally and in the nursing press , although some may run recruitment drives of their own , or exhibit at a job fair .
22 You tend to find that groups , if you 've got a group who 're gon na launch a bomb y'know that that groups make far more risky or dicy de decisions than individuals .
23 Warples ' ( 1980 ) adaptation of the Lopatin ( 1971 ) method of calculating source rock maturity , though open to theoretical objections , gives results which in many cases accord well with observed hydrocarbon occurrences , and has provided the petroleum geologist with a ready rule-of-thumb means of taking the time factor into account .
24 Since the rates of State benefits and income from various types of investments change so frequently , there is little point in quoting figures , but it will be important for you to know how to gather the up-to-date , accurate information .
25 EMPLOYERS gain almost two hours a week on average from early-bird employees , and only 30 per cent of employees contribute no extra time at all , according to a report by the mobile communications group Phonepoint .
26 Witchcraft and sorcery , which in any case few other cultures distinguish as sharply as the Zande , are not the only mystical responses to the experience of affliction in tense relationships .
27 Property values suffer yet another reverse
28 Both these birds eat only that which can be picked off the surface or tweezered out of the crevices .
29 Favourable financing from the Public Works Loan Board is still made available to the local authorities , although the money market rationale has largely disappeared and local authorities borrow only limited amounts directly in the capital markets .
30 Peak numbers are fairly consistently present in January and early February ; numbers in December are often quite low , and the birds disperse rapidly in late February and March .
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