Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 've had enough X-rays for a while , so I 'm going to do nothing for the moment .
2 Pool midfielder David McCreery is fit after precautionary X-rays for a chest infection and could return to the side .
3 Britain 's IT firms , in company with any others that use electronic equipment , rely on universities and other institutions for a supply of skilled people .
4 A businessman and a man who puts up ramps for a living ?
5 If you generally want the views of the public it is no good trying to false those views through a straight jacket of your own to make it what you think there views should be unless of course they go right over the top in which they I do n't think that 's happened so far . .
6 The British people have not been allowed to express their views through a referendum , although the trend in opinion as measured by opinion polls has been firmly against a Federalist structure .
7 The Forum has tried to collect views through a biennial request to individual organisations and associations to bring forward suggested areas for research but this did not prove fruitful .
8 He said he would be pressing for the expulsion of several members of the local association who had privately aired derogatory views about a black candidate while publicly supporting him .
9 And anyway I 'm going to leave that on one side now because it 's more erm a problem to reconciling Mill 's views about liberty with his views about a proper government rather than directly about governments , so I 'm just going to note that and move on now .
10 now at the end of the day , whatever your own views about a contingency fund are , bearing in mind that it 's service , not management charged , if the residence do n't agree can you simply dictate to them that they 've got to have a contingency fund ?
11 Obviously , since the whole economy was engaged in this process there could not be , according To Bukharin , a wholly unbalanced growth , even though there would be certain imbalances as a result of growth taking place in different sectors at somewhat different rates .
12 This compression of definitions is achieved by a process involving the ’ filtering ’ of definitions through a filter set chosen to represent the core vocabulary of a domain ( in this case , that of banking ) .
13 ( See Culler 1975 and the essay ‘ Semiotics as a theory of reading ’ in Culler 1981 . )
14 The place is itself cheerless , its one great attraction being a wonderful seascape extending to Skye and the Outer Hebrides , with a landward view of the Torridon giants as a bonus .
15 Indeed , several employ the recently established body of appraisal and synthesis contained in Oliver Neighbour 's Keyboard and consort music of William Byrd and Joseph Kerman 's Masses and motets as a launch-pad from which to commence the process of establishing the next generation of new observations .
16 This is bloody hard work — if I 'd wanted a holiday like this I could have gone down the mines for a fortnight . ’
17 Praps leeds should scout the old raves for a pill popper and nobble the opposition similarly ?
18 In other cases which have attracted recent headlines , trainee firemen in London were hosed with cold water and left in the street in baby doll nightdresses , a young policewoman in Manchester was handcuffed to railings through a freezing night , and army recruits in Colchester were forced to call out musical notes as a sergeant hit them on their naked buttocks with a baseball bat .
19 Try to capture the architectural shape of the lecture Think of your notes as a skeleton or outline of the lecture you 'll give to your fellow students who are absent .
20 All these activities , to varying degrees , require students to make notes as a record for future reference .
21 He has dumped down the notes for a greyhound , has given his heart to the beast , and is derided for this by his friends in the pub .
22 He was collecting notes for a book of random observations , a Thackeray-like Sketchbook , called An American Journey .
23 The sleeve pictures of the band are priceless , naturally , but forget fashion notes for a moment .
24 Outside , a camera-strapped tourist haggles before he hands over some notes for a photograph of a mother lost in a dome of ragged blankets and the two children who peep out behind her .
25 In his fifties he was to return to the Liskeard area , the ‘ land of his fathers ’ , and make notes for a book on Cornwall ; alas , never to be completed .
26 These 11 large folio books , designated ‘ The Lawrence Notebooks ’ , were compiled over 30 years from the 1890s and contain detailed notes for a comprehensive history of stage scenery and technical appliances , together with lives of the most prominent scenic artists .
27 At first the spy thought he had stumbled on something worth investigating : Wordsworth carried a telescope , and Coleridge was surveying the river ( he was in fact making notes for a projected long poem , The Brook ) ; furthermore , Coleridge 's oft-repeated references to ‘ Spy Nosy ’ were assumed by the Home Office spy to be aimed at him personally — he had presumably never heard of Spinoza , the philosopher of the moment .
28 Basil 's Notes for a Teachers ' In-Service Course at Hoyland Teachers ' Centre February 1953
29 There were location notes for a film and sheets about the physical appearance of the characters and the sort of actors who might play them , these surrounded by doodles , mazes and uninspired drawings of faces .
30 These artistic predilections went hand in hand with a marked interest in aesthetic theory His notebooks of 1862-for instance , contain comments under the heading " On the Essence of Music " , which are probably notes for a two-part Germania essay on " The Demonic in Music " , and , again , a set of Emersonian reflection on Nature , beauty and art .
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