Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] they " in BNC.

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1 To ensure that individual students were not losers under the system , access funds were distributed to higher education institutions for them to use at their discretion to help students in particular need .
2 Let us look , first of all , at the zones , and the reasons for them .
3 The Panel 's decisions are creating a kind of accounting case law , and the reasons for them should be given formally and more fully .
4 Do n't be tempted to justify these requests or to give reasons for them .
5 Ambivalent feelings , mixtures of resentment , disbelief , hope , disappointment with remedies that ‘ did n't work ’ , and demands for answers counter-productive to the task at hand have to be understood and dealt with constructively , and reasons for them appreciated .
6 Physical preparations required and reasons for them , e.g. shaving , bathing .
7 1 Explain simply and briefly the procedures necessary to prepare the patient for his Operation , giving details of the patient 's role in these and the reasons for them .
8 2 Explain the procedures in the postoperative period and reasons for them .
9 The process of counselling will consist largely in helping the client to see how and where they exist , the reasons for them — external and in the mind — and the results which they are having .
10 His decision and judgment , with his reasons for them , will be reported and will establish a precedent for future judgments in which similar circumstances arise .
11 It is very tempting , as has been pointed out in the discussion on choosing an agency , to go for the ideas and ignore the reasons for them .
12 My Lords , I have had the advantage of reading in draft the speech prepared by my noble and learned friend , Lord Bridge of Harwich , and agree with his conclusions and his reasons for them .
13 I agree with his conclusions and his reasons for them .
14 I agree with his conclusions and his reasons for them .
15 My Lords , I have had the advantage of reading in draft the speech prepared by my noble and learned friend , Lord Bridge of Harwich , and agree with his conclusions and his reasons for them .
16 There is also substantial affidavit evidence filed by the local authority setting out their concerns and the reasons for them .
17 These changes have been touched upon several times in this book already and the reasons for them were considered in Chapter 3 .
18 How could he explain his feelings , his reservations , and the reasons for them ?
19 ‘ You keep coming back here , yet you have not found any evidence linking the deaths , or the reasons for them .
20 It is therefore timely to access the extent to which payment system changes have been made , the reasons for them , and their significance especially in terms of productivity .
21 This can be followed by the Note Pad unit on which to record decisions and the reasons for them as they are made .
22 At first , there were slight disagreements between them .
23 After all the speculation about the possible disagreements between them , their encounter has been little short of anodyne .
24 Born of parents who mixed three heritages between them African , Hispanic and Chinese he grew up in Cuba and subsequently went on to live in Spain , Italy , Mexico and the United States , stopping long enough in France in the late Thirties to be bouleversé by Surrealism , and by Picasso 's ‘ Les Demoiselles d'Avignon ’ in particular .
25 Community policing was once the normal form of policing in the United Kingdom , but the increasingly bureaucratic and professional nature of policing unintentionally yet progressively separated the police from the community , leading to more anonymous and impersonal contacts between them ( see Ericson 1982 : 24 ) .
26 In the industrial counties such as Lancashire the new towns called for entirely new turnpike roads between them , and the old road pattern was more drastically altered .
27 They pee all over your garden though the Council provides toilets for them . ’
28 I think a good example to use with younger people with er pe with pensions as well is that the , the er the cutting down of funding that the government is making and it 's going to be hitting like the younger people and another important thing is like with the , with the Australia issue , I mean in Australia now it 's compulsory for everybody under the age of twenty five to have a personal pension and that r and that age rise is going to , that age limit is going to rise each time because they want to abolish the State pension completely and it was only , what , what about two months ago that there was , that there was er articles in I think it was The Times about them doing a similar operation in this country , you know ?
29 This game was n't a classic between two sides who have won the cup 14 times between them , but the adverse conditions under foot did not allow for a lot of skilful hockey .
30 He asserts cautiously that there is a ‘ possibility that both genetic and environmental influences , and interactions between them , may be important in the causation of mental processes , including awareness ’ and goes on to say that awareness probably has survival value because it enables animals to respond to the complexities of the world in which they behave .
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