Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] more " in BNC.

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1 Much will depend on the kind of organisation for which they work ; some employers and educational institutions are more open and liberal than others .
2 American institutions are more legalistic , adhering to principles enshrined in a written Constitution where all rights derive from the fundamental principles of liberty and equality .
3 In what has been described , we have moved from a model of a community in which neighbourly acts were performed within clearly defined limits , with reciprocal benefits looming large , to a model in which , so far as very old people are concerned , such acts are more often the product of altruism ( remembering that this does not deny gratification to the giver ) and of a more systematic attempt to offer and channel care appropriately .
4 This happens because marketing personnel are more concerned with what the customer desires , rather than whether it is practicable to give him what he desires .
5 A little more thought suggests that the interactions are more complex .
6 The reasons are more complex than that .
7 The particular reasons are more contentious .
8 So far , so good : but other objects are more tricky .
9 Lower interest rates mean trading returns are more able to cover interest payments , ’ Mr Lowe added .
10 You 'd have to compare it to the Rickenbacker 650 reviewed last month — roughly the same price , but a much slicker guitar — or maybe a Hamer Special , if your tendencies are more Gibson-orientated .
11 Moreover , it could be argued that prisoners are more at risk of further offences than probationers because of , first , their commission of relatively more serious offences , and second , their more extensive and therefore more entrenched criminal careers .
12 And those with bank accounts are more likely than others — though not exclusively — to get bank loans .
13 These two states are more judiciously classed within the Soviet orbit than within her empire .
14 Suicides by vets are more than three and a half times the average for all groups , says the latest issue of Population Trends from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys .
15 The low viscosity of basaltic lavas means that extensive flows are more common than distinct cones .
16 Where skills are more firm-specific , however , they are less marketable and labour can not necessarily expect to resume their wage profile when they move to another firm .
17 Tests at elevated temperatures and elevated humidities are more difficult to accelerate and interpret .
18 The Germans are more to be trusted with maintaining the value of European money than would be a Central Bank with votes for inflationary countries like Greece , Britain or Italy .
19 Some lecturers are more enthusiastic than others in building up library collections in their subjects .
20 One wonders how-pupils watching this programme reacted to the statistic that , if we followed government advice , we might escape with only 20 million dead ( the Russians are more optimistic : they see 90 per cent surviving ) .
21 One day , Currie was the SDLP 's spokesman on the economy , the next he was a Parliamentary candidate for a Party whose economic policies are more Thatcherite than Thatcher herself .
22 He believes his competition policies are more radical than those of the Tories .
23 For regionally balanced economic growth , this neglect of regional policies was most unfortunate because regional policies are more effective when pursued during periods of labour demand than during periods of high unemployment .
24 Unless the Government 's employment policies are more effective , unemployment could hit 3 million within the next nine months .
25 However since controls are imposed to achieve specific policy aims ( eg to reduce inflation ) it is clear that prices and incomes policies are more likely in some periods ( eg when inflation is high ) than others .
26 For these smaller cities , less expensive and more modestly scaled public transport and traffic restraint policies are more appropriate .
27 However , at company level , other policies are more often mentioned :
28 Why not use a single consultant to discuss what you want to achieve in the audit , how you can achieve it and how to alter your management systems so that your operations are more environmentally friendly ?
29 While MTD 's European operations are more dependent on its traditional fabrication and refining businesses , the benefits from the final phase of the group 's rationalisation programme have sustained performance despite depressed market conditions .
30 Open-market operations are more likely to be effective in reducing the money supply , therefore , when conducted in the bond market .
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