Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] must " in BNC.

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1 Policies have characteristics that must affect the nature of the implementation process .
2 But I ca n't help drooling at thoughts of the enormous quantities of top-quality drooling of top-quality jewellery and purses bulging with sovereigns that must have slipped unnoticed to the ground while all of those ‘ gaieties ’ were taking place .
3 Imagine the losses that must have occurred in them during the years of Harrogate 's greatest popularity .
4 Yet he could n't quite drum up the enmity that seemed necessary in the circumstances , and that fact quite pleased him , for it proved what an enduring thing male friendship was , even if Jim did look to him less than his old self , and over-dressed in foreigners ' plumes that must have cost a packet in duty , the jacket obviously being pure wool .
5 The whole conception , in the words of Cornford , is ‘ static and geometrical ; everything has its limited field with bounds that must not be passed ’ .
6 There are some practical considerations that must be faced in terms of support for visually handicapped pupils who are being educated in resource situations .
7 This chapter reviews the considerations that must be taken into account when selecting a parser for a specific task .
8 There are a number of practical considerations that must be taken into account in the selection of a parser .
9 Young adult males are driven out of this group and form separate bachelor parties that must bide their time until they can steal young females and set up an oligarchy of their own .
10 Two of them were wearing navy-blue men 's overcoats that must have been the crew 's , holding the ends carefully to save them from trailing on the stairs .
11 Where roads are crossed , raised crossings are provided , with ramps from the road up to the cycle-street 's level and markings to indicate clearly that it is crossing cars that must give way .
12 It is the moral law which governs interpersonal relationships that must be reflected in statute law , suggesting a field of public morality which is the preserve of the state and a field of private morality which is not .
13 This step consists of identifying in detail what is required to get from here to there : the activities that must be completed , the resources that must be allocated , the relationships that must be in place , the management structures that are necessary for the transition , and the rewards that must exist .
14 Just as every new policy enters an arena already full of other policies , so every time interrelations imply agency interrelations there is a whole history of relationships that must be taken into account .
15 We welcome the fact that a study is being undertaken to assess potential resources in the Bristol Channel and trust this will help to identify important physical relationships that must not be prejudiced through excessive dredging .
16 We welcome the fact that a study is being undertaken to assess potential resources in the Bristol Channel and trust this will help to identify important physical relationships that must not be prejudiced through excessive dredging .
17 Checks on relationships that must be represented can be executed by examining each card in turn and seeking cards which show related terms .
18 Climbing up on to a high bastion , I looked down over the shimmering interior of the fort and thought of the words that must once have been a set text for the cavalrymen stationed here :
19 We are all like pictures that must not be looked at too near . ’
20 The delivery process itself is determined by the futures exchange and involves a sequence of steps that must be completed in a specific order and at specific times .
21 Any magazine , whether it deals with fashion , fishing , or nuclear fusion , must appeal to its readers and must look and feel relevant to the subject matter with which it deals .
22 It has advanced at the pace of its peoples and must continue to do so .
23 While useful for assessing the severity of illness of individual patients or groups of patients , physiological data that can be influenced by medical and nursing intervention , such as that obtained by the APACHE II score , can not , paradoxically , be used to compare unit performances and must not be used for audit .
24 It seems the boys from Sun Microsystems Inc , Santa Cruz Operation Inc and Unix System Laboratories Inc have had their heads together with Intel Corp for some months and must be getting close to agreeing an Application Binary Interface for Unix with the semiconductor house .
25 Further , and hence We now have the embarrassing impossibility of a negative sum of squares and must conclude that method ( b ) is unsatisfactory for computer use even though it is the more practicable for hand calculation .
26 We have outstanding wages and other debts that must be met .
27 Quasars are starlike objects that must be many times brighter than entire galaxies if they are as distant as the reddening of their spectra indicates ; pulsars are the rapidly blinking remnants of supernova explosions , believed to be ultradense neutron stars ; compact X-ray sources , revealed by instruments aboard space vehicles , may also be neutron stars or may be hypothetical objects of still higher density , namely black holes .
28 In other words , mechanization has increased the variety of skills that must be mastered — it has reduced rather than increased the division of labour ( see chapter 2 , section 2.4 on contrasting patterns in other industries ) .
29 This step consists of identifying in detail what is required to get from here to there : the activities that must be completed , the resources that must be allocated , the relationships that must be in place , the management structures that are necessary for the transition , and the rewards that must exist .
30 Much of the certifieds ' training is done by correspondence course and , until the final exams that must be passed in one sitting , they are able to tackle the lower stages over a five-year period , taking one or two at a time .
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