Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This was no peasant revolution , but an insurrection led by the intelligentsia of the new middle classes ( those professional groups whom the Enlightenment aristocrats despised as base and usurers ) .
2 to obtain the above for employees of other institutions whom the Executive Committee may admit to membership from time to time ;
3 Comfortable within my landlord 's neat demesne , I am cushioned against the uglification of the landscape which offends and distresses me the moment I cross the boundaries .
4 This diminutive , bow-legged Palace forward of the 1920s and early 1930s was one of those performers whom the fans immediately took to their hearts .
5 The performers whom the young Elvis heard and learned from — gospel singers , blues men like Arthur Crudup , Bill Broonzy , Junior Parker and Howlin' Wolf , country and western stars such as Bob Wills , Hank Williams and Roy Acuff — were commercial artists ; they , like Elvis himself , did not separate themselves from the whole wash of music that was available .
6 There was also no lack of contacts , who , starved of literature , were exhilarated to be able to talk about Eliot : a Captain Richardson , whom I met in Eritrea , engaged to a charming Italian , proved one of those contacts whom the war brought together and separated , reminding me in some ways of the young Eliot and Jean Verdenal .
7 The War Cabinet on 4 September 1944 [ KP 12 ] approved the proposal " that we should instruct the Middle East authorities to send back all Russians whom the Soviet Authorities wished to have back irrespective of whether or not the men wished to return ; and the practice of obtaining statements from Soviet prisoners as to their willingness to return should be discontinued " .
8 Reformed universities produced able clergy whom the school could attract to their staffs ; and the Victorian parent still wanted to feel that the principal educator of his child was in some way a man of God .
9 The TGWU has shown interest in a merger on several occasions , and there has also been a recognition among militants within the N U A A W that successful and speedy strike action could only be brought about with the cooperation of the bulk milk tanker drivers whom the TGWU organizes .
10 Then in the spring of 1105 Anselm received a letter from the pope telling him that sentence of excommunication had been passed on Robert of Meulan and other royal counsellors , but that sentence on the king was delayed because the messengers whom the king ought to have sent to Rome before Easter had not arrived .
11 ’ Take this shepherd 's staff and take loving care of the brothers whom the Lord has entrusted to you ’
12 It was also a view of monarchy quite compatible with a deep contempt for the subjects whom the ruler served from above and whose interests he safeguarded with such jealous care , often against their own misguided inclinations .
13 ( A smaller complication is the presence near Addis Ababa of nearly 20,000 Falashas , black Jews whom the Israelis may now be tempted to rescue in an Entebbe-style commando raid . )
14 Erm the contract is always between three parties ourselves the advertiser and the doctors ' practice .
15 Even so , there are some risks which the average horse owner should not be prepared to take .
16 The works of Metzinger , Gleizes and Le Fauconnier had been hung together by chance at the Salon d'Automne of 1910 , but the common characteristics which the critics saw in their styles , and the excitement expressed by the poets and authors at Mercereau 's and at the Closerie des Lilas over the possibilities of a new school of painting , seem to have made the painters aware of each other ; Apollinaire and Salmon in particular , although both were in many ways insensitive to painting , realized that Picasso 's latest style contained the elements of a new art , and felt that the work of several other painters was evolving in a similar direction .
17 Elan means enthusiasm , liveliness and spirit — characteristics which the company believes signify its nature , its employees and its management .
18 With reference to the PAIN report , however , Mrs Trickett commented on the guidelines which the department had been accused of breaking .
19 Develop a strict feeding routine from the outset following the guidelines which the puppy has previously been used to before you acquired it .
20 A flow of records ensued , including a posthumous Sid Vicious album , Sid Sings , and sundry repackagings of those few songs which the group had actually recorded , wringing the cash cow dry , as Richard Branson later pointed out with some irony , ‘ in just the spirit of the Swindle Malcolm had always talked about ’ .
21 The matron also told us that this patient had to go into a nursing home ‘ towards the end ’ because ‘ she needed morphine injections which the doctor would n't give otherwise she would n't have had to move to somewhere strange .
22 Of course there are many more methods which a manager can learn to use , depending on the type of job which he does .
23 The methods which a society employs to train its teachers reflect and comment upon the values with which that society is predominately concerned .
24 Equally , in construing a rent review clause , the court has been aided by a consideration of valuation methods which the parties must have envisaged would be applied at the review date ( Pivot Properties v Secretary of State for the Environment ( 1980 ) 41 P & CR 248 ) .
25 Our concern in this chapter is , therefore , to highlight a number of considerations which a local church should bear in mind in pondering its evangelistic effectiveness and over-hauling its strategy .
26 However , there are a number of general considerations which the drafter must bear in mind when drafting any clause which excludes or limits liability , and it is convenient to consider them here .
27 We feel that this would provide a framework for the evaluation of the material considerations which the county council has accepted can come into play .
28 Within each of these varieties , there is a range of styles which the speaker can draw on in conversation or for other types of talk .
29 Some people call it ‘ body language ’ — the non-verbal signals which every human shows throughout the day .
30 The actions of human characters involve a whole grammar of visual signals which the audience will pick up if it is given the right clues .
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