Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Within fifteen minutes everyone in the cast — apart from me — was talking about this .
2 If the structure pays greater attention to what the children achieve , rather than values them for what they are , its philosophy will be seriously flawed .
3 The first census pairs them off man for man , leaving a surplus of 273 who are redeemed by money .
4 They tell readers nothing about the arguments in favour of the extension of VAT .
5 Thanks everyone for your co-operation .
6 ‘ Having spent the Vigour of my Youth and Genius under the Oppression of Sir Joshua & his Gang of Cunning Hired Knaves Without Employment & as much as could possibly be Without Bread , the Reader must Expect to Read in all my Remarks on these Books Nothing but Indignation and Resentment . ’
7 True , Kant thinks that if morality is ultimately valid it is because we have somehow settled on these imperatives ourselves at the noumenal level , but to this — apart from the dubiousness of the metaphysics — it is likely to be objected that if the imperatives spring from myself it is quite proper for me to rescind them when convenient .
8 The US Department of Defence on Jan. 14 issued guidelines which on the whole reflected the policies of allied governments .
9 Now er we we already had a license for an earlier version of EARS which in er in fact was in Aled 's name from the last general election but one .
10 Bones and teeth are made from quite simple inorganic compounds which in their normal crystalline and glassy forms are very brittle .
11 quick look at the map , the River Ouse conveniently chops Selby district in roughly half , and that there might well be considerations which for the sake of was not okay .
12 They find their thinking and decision-making dominated by market and resource considerations which in their scale and complexity are a long way indeed from the traditional concept of primary headship ( Audit Commission 1991 ) .
13 The basic considerations which in Chapter 6 led to the view that the reading system involves two different processing procedures , one lexical and the other non-lexical , apply also to the spelling system .
14 First , where an application for an injunction is made ex parte and the defendant claims , or in the opinion of the court would be likely to claim , that he acted in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute , the court shall not grant the injunction unless satisfied that all steps which in the circumstances were reasonable have been taken with a view to securing that notice of the application and an opportunity of being heard with respect to the application have been given to him .
15 CBHPs grew in an era of popular organizing by both church and secular organizations which in adopting a structural or liberational approach were clearly anti-government in character .
16 But in promoting it to MPs we 've been drawing their attention to the kinds of organizations which in turn in their eyes just sort of represent that pyramid or structure of votes that .
17 There is a class of materials called type I superconductors which below a certain critical temperature ( around the normal boiling-point of liquid helium
18 In 1928–29 he was an ideal supplier of chances for Len Griffiths and Harry Havelock , while also providing 10 League goals himself from 16 appearances ( including a hat-trick at Brighton just before Christmas ) and helping the Palace to their best run in the FA Cup for years .
19 Norman Crawford then pulled off a master stroke , introducing McConnell , and he set up Mark Burns for a short corner strike in the 46th minute before adding two goals himself in the space of five minutes to leave Holywood 4–2 ahead .
20 These are collocational ties which in many cases defy literal interpretation , and have to be understood metaphorically .
21 The Communist International quite deliberately set out to create " sections " under its detailed control , which would be more easily disciplined than the Second International parties which in Lenin 's eyes had been too independent to act together on the outbreak of war .
22 The invaders were backed up by warships which from the mouth of the river Esk poured a crippling cannonade into the Scottish ranks .
23 The government also provided a multitude of tax concessions which at their 1955 peak probably reduced average corporation-tax liability by one-fifth , falling to around 12 per cent in the early sixties .
24 In June India finally agreed to restore trade and transit concessions which in March 1989 it had withdrawn , partly in protest at Nepal 's decision to purchase Chinese weaponry .
25 They chose Milan as the venue because of the presence of two schools which for the previous ten years had pursued the Pure Oral System , or the German System as it was more commonly known , and to help to give the Congress credibility , they chose as the President one of the schools ' headmasters , while the other school 's headmaster was Secretary .
26 In the case of independent schools which for the most part are not run as independent profit making institutions and which set the fees to raise enough money to cover the cost of running the school , the test is virtually indistinguishable from a market value test .
27 The central dome is 180 feet above ground , supported on gigantic pendentives which in turn stem from the four semi-circular arches and enormous , ground-standing piers .
28 The panel hopes now that this statement of faith can be seen as a useful and fairly accessible indicator to outsiders as to what the faith is all about , and at the same time as a ring of words which at least the majority of us within the church can happily affirm .
29 Lexical meaning can be studied by defining a particular set of words which in some way refer to the same subject , such as all colour terms .
30 This defamiliarized perception of words which in ordinary circumstances we fail to notice is the result of the formal basis of poetry .
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