Example sentences of "[art] place in " in BNC.

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1 Despite the fact that spiders are all over the place in Dostoevsky , not just in Svidrigailov 's dirty bathhouse vision of Eternity , and that urban potted plants go back to the beginning in Poor People , we are here firmly inside Crime and Punishment in its abandoned first-person narrative form ( ‘ I am on trial and will tell all ’ ) : Petersburg evenings and their hanging summer light , noises from below , happy workmen , blessed ‘ living life ’ elsewhere , a lonely man in pain passing through gates , over thresholds , slipping up and down staircases , the buzzing By of Raskolnikov 's dream and his awakening , intense time-consciousness alternating with time-oblivion .
2 That is the large reason why she is there , with about 25 other people waiting quietly to one side of the altar in the church which has become the place in the city where freedom most nearly is .
3 A rare exception to this unrelieved diet of excellence came recently in the shape of a programme made by unemployed men on Teesside about the place in their life of the municipal golf-course .
4 The fleapit at the centre of another Rose script , The Smallest Show on Earth ( 1957 , Big Time Operators in US ) , directed by Ealing 's Basil Dearden , is eventually burnt to the ground by its old commissionaire : ‘ It were the only way were n't it ’ , he says to the cooing couple who inherited the place in a town stinking of glue from the local factory , together with staff so lost in the past that they still enjoy looking at Hepworth 's Comin ’ Thro ’ The Rye .
5 It took the place in mid-twentieth century demonology that masturbation filled for the Victorians .
6 The books are lying about all over the place in Shellerton .
7 Suddenly the scale becomes that of a cathedral , and it 's not fanciful to put the spirituality of the place in the same category .
8 This prompted a question on the place in Britain of a lower level of Capital Transfer Tax if the farm were passed on to the son at a much earlier age ?
9 Mackintosh has covered the place in arches and ceramics , what Benno Shotz would call ‘ Kerramiks ’ , and there are little twists and spirals of metal and stone .
10 And , as any successful enterprise will expand , there may soon be pressure to extend the premises , damaging the character of the place in the process .
11 During his headmastership eighty-five open scholarships to Oxford and Cambridge were won by boys at the school : the spirit of the place in the 1930s , however different the forms of independence , was very close to that of Cardiff High School at the same time .
12 Florals are very much back and I just float about the place in them .
13 Although he was hitting the ball all over the place in practice , Seve was figuring out which side of the fairways to miss on a lot of holes , and places where he could n't go at all .
14 It will be all round the place in no time . ’
15 He chose Ottery as the place in which to found a religious community , and in 1337 obtained the king 's licence to make the church a collegiate foundation , whose members were to include a warden , a minister , a chanter , and eight choral vicars .
16 In Attorney General v Squire , it was held that obnoxious odours from pigs kept by the defendants , and arising from the number of animals , the place in which they were kept , and the food with which they were fed , were such as to create a public nuisance , and in Attorney General v Cole and Son noxious gases created by the defendant carrying on the trade of fat-melter were also held to be a public nuisance despite the fact that the defendant had carried on his trade , in a proper manner and in the same way for 30 years .
17 The place in this country by far most worth the attention of the curious traveller , it can not be viewed without the most exquisite enjoyment ’ ( Arthur Young 1770 )
18 His argument is that the density wave is of a different kind , the so called long wave mode , which propagates from the centre of the Galaxy outward , such a wave pattern rotates much more rapidly than the short wave mode and it just happens that , if this picture is correct , our Solar System is almost exactly at the place in our Galaxy where it orbits at the same speed as the wave ( Astrophysics and Space Science , vol 89 , p 61 ) .
19 Another , less likely , possibility is that your cat hates the place in which it is given its food dish .
20 They found the place in uproar : the courtyard was full of carts piled high with trunks , chests and bundles of clothing .
21 Not a battleaxe exactly but I hear she used to stomp around the place in clogs and speak her mind without fear or hesitation .
22 Although an advertisement is not the place in which to list all the snags of the job it should mention fundamental conditions like shift work or weekend working so you do not waste time seeing people for whom such conditions would be unacceptable .
23 Although this may be unwelcome , particularly if you are very fond of the place in which you live , the alternative may be that you spend the next few years in a state of anxiety and misery because of money worries .
24 The person whose ball was intercepted takes the place in the middle .
25 Speaking of Richmond , from which the place in south London takes its name , one of the delights of the trip has been the scenic aspect .
26 Since ch'i occupies the place in Chinese cosmology corresponding to matter in ours , Westerners took a long time to grasp how very different it is from what we understand by matter .
27 During an appearance on the TV show The Time — The Place in 1988 , he claimed he had seen ‘ some 666 young women who are HIV-positive ’ .
28 The senior tutor , Bernard Robinson , himself a layman , says that the college welcomes the new type of lay student and is glad that layfolk are taking the place in the Church marked out for them by Vatican II .
29 Paul carried his luggage in , and surveyed the place in which he was to live and work .
30 Cowley said , ‘ And the place in Earl 's Court .
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