Example sentences of "[art] children [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This involved writing a sentence on the board , and getting the children to form similar sentences .
2 When the children miss , Jack goes afterwards with an ‘ uplifted axe ’ showing no mercy yet also showing control .
3 The day following the hearing of 15 May the local authority social worker concerned with the children wrote to the father a letter which referred to periodic reviews taking place and concluded :
4 Towards the end of the research most of the children referred had been in care for shorter periods of time and were still in more or less meaningful contact with members of their natural families .
5 Main areas to be targeted by the research team would be decision-making by reporters and hearings on the children referred to them .
6 The children failed to differentiate good characters from evil ones in The Bill .
7 Are either of the children beginning to , to show the signs of feeling the impact of their father not being about ?
8 The educational needs of the inmates were not overlooked , and Mr. T. Eagles was paid a salary of £3.5s. ‘ for teaching the children to sing ’ ( presumably at services in the chapel ) .
9 By the time Pie had played both the children to sleep , and rose to come and join his guest at the table , the liquor had brought a pleasant buzz to Estabrook 's head .
10 At the next stage of the process , having located the information they require , the children reach what is probably the most difficult part : that is , lifting the information off the page in some meaningful fashion .
11 The teacher should intervene before the children reach their own resolution to the problem .
12 The children cheered and the Rector even forgot the after effects of goose and pudding on his digestion to smile gravely and agreed to join in .
13 The grandmother of two of the children sobbed when she knew for certain they would not be coming home .
14 so that they get them And I 'll get the children to collect some rocks up and wash them .
15 One major finding in the children studied , who had a range of clinical problems , was that transient UOS relaxations occurred during a proportion of episodes of gastro-oesophageal reflux induced distention of the oesophagus .
16 The Lapwai Nez Perce opened a school there , but the children continued to die .
17 The children continued their playing .
18 The children continued to bawl .
19 And to keep the children amused , a Lego competition will be held in the creche , so that junior selfbuilders can also build their own houses , and perhaps win some Lego , too .
20 The Haunted House dark ride , set in Gloomy Wood , the Congo River Rapids and the Runaway Mine train , are just a few of the exciting rides that will keep you and the children amused all day .
21 Furthermore , following MacArthur 's precedent , he returned with heavier armament : Mary and the children poured in his wake like a Mongol horde .
22 The blaring background TV set can be firmly switched off , the yapping poodle popped into another room , the open window closed so that the traffic noise is shut out , the children given books and lollipops .
23 One of the children says it brands her as worthless
24 Joe always made sure there were a couple of swings rigged up to the spreaded branches for the children to enjoy .
25 Further practical experiences with space and shape may be gained through play with junk boxes and other materials large enough for the children to sit in and use in imaginative play as trains or cars .
26 In April the garden was a jungle of bluebells , bursting from under the trees in blue tides above your ankles , but by midsummer my grandmother had it tame again , fifty yards of earth between wooden fences bearing docile rows of hollyhock and sweet peas ; an ex-army rug was spread on the shaven lawn for the children to sit on for tea outdoors .
27 Ask the children to sit in a circle and explain that the aim of the game is to toss the beanbag ( bomb ) to a child in the circle who may not be expecting it , possibly by looking one way and throwing the other .
28 One way of allocating groups quickly and randomly , ensuring a good mix , is to ask the children to sit in a circle , allowing them to sit where they want , and then counting round the circle , giving each child a number — one to eight , then starting again .
29 I think this system of getting all the children to sit round a table and be taught as a group is wrong , I think they should be taught individually , should have a desk of their own and , and the teacher should stand there and deliver the lesson er to each person but that 's , that 's the way it goes
30 After the note-taking , the children arranged themselves in groups of three or four , and made suggestions to each other about their notes .
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