Example sentences of "[art] one on " in BNC.

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1 Kegs in the pub cellar , the one on the left connected for serving .
2 ‘ The lady on the host 's right first , and then the one on his left .
3 Bore a shallow recess with the winged bit and , using the central pilot hole as a guide , drill the workpiece to take a steel screw that matches the one on the back of the nameplate .
4 When faced with a request for a garden seat , similar to the one on a recent DIY front cover , I searched high and low for one which I could buy , rather than make myself .
5 Contemporary anxieties found expression in two main kinds of attack : the one on the dress violations of the emergent ( middle ) class , the other on the insubordinate ( female ) sex .
6 She had not seen Angela since the weekend before the one on which she had disappeared , but had spoken to her twice on the telephone .
7 The one on the right had flown in from Finland .
8 They have telescope mirrors comparable in size to the one on the Hubble space telescope — but , one hopes , not afflicted by the Hubble mirror 's distortions — and produce images good enough to make out an object the size of a paperback book .
9 He told Helen he must have gone off his head : he had written three lots of verses in one week ( including the one on Old Margaret and Headington Hill printed in Collected Poems , p. 458 ) .
10 ‘ You noticed that guy I said hello to when we came in , the one on the door ? ’
11 There is a state-of-the-art cardiac resuscitation unit , much better than the one on the general medical wards .
12 The CO leant across to the officer on his right , and then to the one on his left .
13 The one on the north wall is for the men of the cavalry regiments from the Krems area who fell in the First World War .
14 It was an exact copy of the one on her ring , down to the double twist in the bar joining the two upright strokes .
15 Since the church was the work of Pelligrini Tibaldi it means that at one time the two most famous of Milanese architects — Il Pellegrino and L'Alessi — were working in Piazza San Fedele at the same time , the one on the church , and the other on the Palazzo Marino .
16 Check that this number corresponds with the one on the document .
17 She banged against the crate heavily and the one on top of it which had been badly placed fell onto the ground so that some of the bananas spilled out around her feet .
18 That the one on the Dun , was a ‘ HER ’ , not a ‘ HIM ’
19 The Judge said ‘ That girl — the one on the Dun —
20 The one on the left seemed best .
21 Nevertheless , she allowed herself to be helped up the high step and onto a bunk opposite the one on which Robbie was now lying …
22 The one on Parson 's Green was brought down by the ARP boys and packed tidily away , and then we were granted an AA gun , all to ourselves .
23 They range in size from the small corner shop ( like the one on Coronation Street ) to huge hypermarkets like Asda and Tesco .
24 You should fill in : 1 Date of purchase 2 Your own sales number and initials 3 Description of goods 4 Quantity of goods 5 Cost per item ( unit cost ) 6 Total cost 7 Authorization code 8 Whether the goods are to be taken away or delivered You should also check the details on the card : 1 The expiry date 2 The signature ( make sure that it matches the one on the voucher ) 3 The strip on which the customer 's name is written ( make sure it has n't been tampered with ) When you have filled in the information , the customer signs the form .
25 Draw up two stock record cards like the one on page 108 and fill in the following information :
26 Draw up a line graph like the one on page 151 , to show this information .
27 The one on the left promotes a genuine electrical recording success ; the one on the right attempts to capitalize on it , although recorded acoustically .
28 I mean , have you seen the portrait , you know the Kilmarnock Edition one , the one you see on all the ashtrays , the one on all the dishtowels … the absolute Spitting Image of John Cairney !
29 The chapter on alicyclics has moved forward to accompany stereochemistry , and the one on alkyl halides to introduce substitution mechanisms before the chapter on alkenes , which covers elimination reactions .
30 That does n't affect the fact that they contain some wonderfully joyous music , especially in the First , the one on this CD .
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