Example sentences of "[art] day now " in BNC.

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1 I often think back on those days ; they seemed so halcyon , but I do n't regret their passing , for the days now are sweeter , even if so many must be spent apart .
2 I 'd be counting the days now , if I had n't got parole .
3 She knew the days now , she had retained a careful count of them .
4 They could sense a difference in the days now , sometimes there was almost a rime of frost on the shady side of the woods , and the old pony 's cost was thickening ; in the mornings they went off to school .
5 The day now is wrapped in snow ,
6 ‘ It is one of the hardest parts of the day now .
7 It is in this frame of mind and with the ideas chasing each other around in my head that the day now ends .
8 Child : I 'm going to watch Match of the Day now .
9 Are you off duty for the day now ? ’
10 The light had almost gone from the day now and the forest was becoming bathed in soft , subtle hues of the Purple Hour , Dark blue and turquoise light slanted in through the trees , turning the Wolfwood to a place of dark secret shadows and heavy ancient magic .
11 ‘ It 's rather late in the day now , though , to go bothering them with it .
12 So , let's wrap up the day now .
13 Oh , I feel quite pleased having cleaned everywhere and popped I feel like I can embroider the rest of the day now
14 We go once or twice a day now .
15 For the next eight months only 13 drinks a day were sold — compared to 600 million bottles a day now .
16 " It 's over a night and a day now and I 'm dropping . "
17 And if we can pin those down , and as Roger said , we 've also now , over the last few weeks co begun carrying out erm regular testing two or three times a day now on each of the floors and looking at the humidity
18 The cleaning-lady comes once a day now , instead of once a week .
19 Call it a day now , for goodness ’ sake . ’
20 I 'm massaging and grooming her feet twice a day now because lying in bed is creating some roughness on her heels and the sides of her feet that could get inflamed and sore if we 're not careful . ’
21 a day now will you please come on the set .
22 ‘ I only have one a day now , ’ Alice says .
23 We are talking not about an industry in decline — no matter what some right hon. and hon. Members may think — but about one in which oil and gas production will rise from more than 2 million barrels a day now to a new peak of almost 3 million barrels a day by the end of the century .
24 We 've got ta call it , call it a day now .
25 Okay , well maybe we could have called it a day now .
26 ‘ We may as well call it a day now , though .
27 It 's twenty five pound a day now .
28 I think she down to five a day now five today is it ?
29 Later I did manage to get out , immediately after dinner , & fortunately , for now I am back , it rains hard , as it has done every day now for a week .
30 He was well placed in the cotton industry and it gave him a generous income ; therefore it had to take precedence , but the monotony of arriving at the same place at the same time every day now bored him as much as had the mechanical frenzy of the bobbins when he arrived .
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