Example sentences of "[art] day so " in BNC.

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1 Another hazard is the wind swinging and increasing during the day so that the glider ends up parked facing directly into the wind .
2 Complex carbohydrates are best taken regularly throughout the day so that the glycogen is steadily replaced and built up in the muscles .
3 If the latter option is taken , it is better to spread the intake throughout the day so as to continually top up the body 's supply .
4 ‘ I want to go during the day so that we can all see the countryside . ’
5 We said goodbye and thanks to our friends who had made the day so happy for us , changed into travelling clothes , and left for the station .
6 It was pointed out that he was a regular watchman who slept during the day so as to be able to perform his nightly duties .
7 Laid out on the ground are the dead of the day so far .
8 You are unlikely to see much of this fish during the day so provide hiding places for it .
9 Pegs are limited on the day so in order to guarantee to fish this popular event please confirm attendance with Dave Gunson on Ipswich 716530 .
10 The poorest buy goods on a daily credit basis at high interest rates and , if they are unsuccessful with their sales , are forced to lower their prices towards the end of the day so as to have enough to pay back the loan .
11 … He explains that the day so far has been pretty typical .
12 Taking the day so still and steady with him .
13 It was obvious at this stage that the race was going to develop into the best of the day so far and when Lofthouse moved ahead again with one lap to go , Robert had it all to do .
14 However , he was hounded all the way by Phillip McCallen who put on his best performance of the day so far .
15 These arguments have obviously won the day so far , but the climate of opinion is changing .
16 Allen had never earned more than ten pounds a week , taking part-time jobs during the day so that he could write in the evenings .
17 To say they were shocked is an understatement , but staff and customers enjoyed the day so much they are asking for another . ’
18 And that 's all now so Val said she said I said to Cheryl now do n't you go and take Mervy away cos me and Ken certainly are n't gon na go and sit sit with erm the 's all dinner time so she said what they 're gon na do , they 're going out for the meal and everything and then they 're Ken are gon na go to Cheryl 's for the rest of the day So I said so that 's upset your plans then Val she said is n't it just !
19 On a day so out of the ordinary , wearing her best summer frock , she was perhaps entitled to behave in an unusual way ?
20 As for happy hours , I 'd say that 50% of pubs in Leeds have a happy hour at least once a day so if you were looking for something to celebrate each and every day then this might come up ( along with the anniversary of the death of the guy who drove the stephenson steam train on it 's maiden journey , and the all too sad occasion of the 7th anniversary of the cat that lived 4 doors down that was callously knocked over by the no. 40 bus )
21 And erm , it 's only seventeen hours , it 's four hours a day so that 's why it would suit somebody who 's married .
22 Asthmatics should learn a relaxation technique and practise it every day so that it can be ‘ turned on ’ at will , whenever an attack seems imminent .
23 She felt a sudden desire to dye her hair blonde and keep dyeing it every day so that the roots would never show .
24 ‘ The males I train every day so that they can jump and run without feeling too much tired . ’
25 He started drinking milk by the mug full every day so
26 They were given a different meal every day so erm , she was pleased with herself .
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