Example sentences of "[art] that we " in BNC.

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1 We actually sold some tickets from the that we had .
2 There 's the work that we do erm , most of the that we undertake , actually are erm , engaged in providing an opinion on the accounts of the County Council .
3 We 've got in the new format sixty of the new new format but what we have been able to do is take elements of the new re-fitted stores and put those for instance erm Pronto we 've managed to take those and re-fit them separately but the actual new concept stores sits at about sixty-odd stores and currently what we 're doing is to check the that we have had a a re-fits this year erm where we 've taken space for other sub-lets where put the new concept back to but as far as the go in majority of the chain now we have most of the major elements i.e an upholstery area bed area Pronto representation and indeed the re-fit that was discussed in the Chairman 's statement the kitchen and bedroom re-fit erm was applicable to all stores so all of the stores have got new kitchens and bedrooms in
4 I 'm particularly please to see the that we 've found ways of removing artificial obstacles to the recruitment of whole time and retained fire fighters and I look forward to seeing women amongst ten new fire fighters recommended in this report .
5 I mean now there 's a couple of people quibbling about actually paying at the that we did .
6 and the that we show you here tells you all about it , how to look after it and everything
7 these are recommendations from a joint working party D of E of the erm local authority association and they are to almost unbelievable for us to consider and I can only assume that the that we must remember that this is really a response to what I call Heseltine 's last squeeze which was the idea of executive mayors and so in a sense lip service which has to be paid somewhere along those lines but it does recommend that we think seriously about cabinet govern government about single party committees and I ca n't imagine how anybody in their right minds would argue now that the cabinet government when they see what cabinet government leads to in Westminster and what de facto cabinet government leads to in majority ruled councils up and down the country erm , there is of course a I think a misleading er er brownie point the idea of relaxing restrictions on members allowances but members must realise why that is in there .
8 And then there was the attempt not to issue a questionnaire to every household but to reserve the questionnaires in the Town Hall for four week days Saturdays to will honour the people who did n't actually have Friday who were at home perhaps walk in to the City Centre you might be able to pick one of these up and then there was the problem distrib in distributing the questionnaire because despite of the assurance given to the consultants they were nevertheless distributed amongst the numerous St Albans and believe you me even those likely people who did go to the press do sometimes for every that we having suddenly fully congressed to see whether perhaps there might be a consultation questionnaire lurking within it .
9 Alright , now , whether there is a perverse supply response is , is an empirical question erm , and it 's generally observed that perverse supply response is about as common as a that we looked at in demand analysis .
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