Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] mr " in BNC.

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1 During the trial Mr O'Donnell told how he had agreed to go with McPherson , who had driven him to a lay-by at the Rest and Be Thankful on the A83 road , where men he recognised had been waiting in a van .
2 In the afternoon Mr Major told the Commons that those on low income ‘ will get the help from next April before the higher fuel bills come in .
3 We could also see Amy playing , and we could count the money Mr Smith saved for both parents to spend on cleaning materials which we could watch them using !
4 The answers to these questions ought to supply a fair chunk of the money Mr Clinton hopes to save .
5 After the case Mr Bedi vowed to fight on over the unpaid bill which , he claims , was sent to the wrong address .
6 After the case Mr Gould 's barrister and solicitor were granted costs from public funds .
7 In standing out for true sportsmanship on the field Mr Chapman , loyally backed by his players , set a standard which has raised the sport he loved to the highest level , and has won for him the gratitude of sportsmen the world over . ’
8 ‘ The full benefits of technology will be achieved only by good management ’ said the Chairman Mr David Davies on his visit to this years Group Management Development Programme at JM Technology Centre , Sonning on 8th July .
9 After the election Mr Bryan Gould , when asked why he thought Labour had lost , replied that it was because the electorate was too ‘ conservative ’ .
10 During the election Mr Major promised regular annual cuts in tax but yesterday Mr Lamont refused to repeat that pledge .
11 Before the election Mr Smith , then Shadow Chancellor , forecast that this would be the only way to make the Tory sums add up — although John Major denied it .
12 The experience Mr Chairman I have of these situations is that trees happen to fall down , and hedges happen to get pushed by bulldozers , and at the end of the day , because I 've seen it in my own village where I was born , I 'm afraid with all respect to what happens , what is actually passed by the planners does n't actually come to pass because there is always a reason why it ca n't .
13 In an interview with the Guardian Mr Valerionas Baltrunas , one of the party 's ideology secretaries , said he thought Mr Gorbachev quite understood this .
14 On this aspect of the story Mr Sale is an invaluable guide and teacher , but he goes well over the top in his determination to present Columbus as the representative of a devilish western world driven only by the desire to rape , grab and despoil a land of innocence .
15 Ltd. for their kind permission to reproduce illustrations of Cave Systems from their publications , and add my tribute to the excellent work of the cartographer Mr G.M. Davies .
16 It won the latest by-election , to replace a respected minister killed in the attempted coup , in a middle-class suburb of the kind Mr Robinson once fared best in .
17 I killed my cat with a fucking spade We are at the scene of the crime Mr what did you see ?
18 It is specifically denied that during the briefing Mr Clayton stated that in relation some form of abuse' ’ which has been found during examinations carried out by a police surgeon . ’
19 Speaking after the result Mr Sillars said : ‘ Obviously the SNP is very disappointed with this result … but it has been a privilege to be your MP for more than three years . ’
20 But it 's not in the recommendation Mr .
21 ‘ That this Committee having inspected various Documents produced by the Professor Mr Vial , are satisfied of their Authenticity and of the fairness of his Character — and that he did actually hold in France the situations of professor of the Veterinary School and of Ecuyer du Roi at Lyons and of professor of comparative anatomy at Montpellier .
22 Resolved that , from the report of the Committee consisting of the Earl of Morton , Chairman , & c this meeting is perfectly satisfied with the Character & Conduct of the Professor Mr Vial and is of opinion that the conduct of the Secretary Mr Huntingford is highly culpable in having propagated reports injurious to the Professor Mr Vial after he had reason to be satisfied the [ sic ] were groundless . ’
23 Resolved that , from the report of the Committee consisting of the Earl of Morton , Chairman , & c this meeting is perfectly satisfied with the Character & Conduct of the Professor Mr Vial and is of opinion that the conduct of the Secretary Mr Huntingford is highly culpable in having propagated reports injurious to the Professor Mr Vial after he had reason to be satisfied the [ sic ] were groundless . ’
24 Well I I think its , the way that the plaintiff puts the case on that point my Lord is that even if the defendant Mr took the view er that it would not have been proper for such a notice to be served , in view of what the plaintiff was saying to him about his wish to get out of the contract , the fact that it was available to him should have been brought to his attention and then as Mr was saying that I sorry I do n't feel I can do this on your behalf because it 's not proper in the circumstances or whatever erm , should then have gone on to advise the plaintiff either to do it himself or to go and seek independent advice .
25 have the pleasure Mr Chairman , I too would like to erm home in on the subject of traffic calming as identified by the previous speakers and er I start with viewpoint that the Liberal Democrat case has been put in which is
26 The deal Mr Genscher struck with his East German counterpart , Oskar Fischer , remains as unexplained as it was unexpected .
27 As part of the deal Mr de Ferranti agreed to stand down in favour of Sir Derek and to allow James Guerin , International Signal 's founder , to come on to the board as deputy chairman .
28 In the five months of the review Mr Heseltine has been unable to come up with , as Labour pointed out , a single extra tonne of coal in terms of orders .
29 In the spring Mr Edgar was still ill , and he continued to worry about Cathy 's future .
30 Kvallposten claimed that immediately after the search Mr Talb 's ex-wife telephoned a Palestinian family in Uppsala and ordered them to ‘ get rid of the clothing ’ .
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