Example sentences of "[prep] when he " in BNC.

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1 The Titfords were a little different — Charles Frederick had decided to use his share of father 's estate to set up a modest retail business , one which his mother and sister could contribute towards when he was in London himself , and one which they could perhaps handle efficiently without him when he departed on his sporadic travels around the world .
2 Mr Rose asked Marcus what he thought of when he thought of home .
3 When I came out , they told me the court dates of when he was going to be adopted .
4 The first thing he had thought of when he awoke that morning was that it was his mother 's birthday , 25 May , and he had been thinking about it ever since , as he always did on that day .
5 But again I was told that he was away from the office , and a girl who said she was his secretary could give no clear indication of when he was expected back .
6 He is a way of Eddie explaining clearly to the reader what his views are on Rodolpho 's sexuality for instance without the subtleness of when he is conversing with another character .
7 It reminded him of when he had guarded a colonial nursery , after an unexpected attack by Hunters had resulted in the abduction of two small infants .
8 Although Jacques retained his title of ‘ flutte du Roi ’ until his death ( it appears on the first page of his inventory , 1763 ) , this provides no clear indication of when he actually stopped performing , since musicians retained titles as property .
9 My Lord let me speak plainly , I introduced the topic of when he was recaptured , I asked nothing about what was .
10 Otherwise , she 'd have gone after him , told him it was n't a matter of right or wrong , it was a matter of when he 'd admit he was an arrogant , overbearing liar .
11 Perhaps he had given him some idea of when he would be home .
12 But , to her way of thinking , and bearing in mind Lubor 's loyalty to his employer , it surely could n't be considered disloyal to give her a hint of when he would be back from Prague .
13 Well he used to remind of when he went in for tea and erm and you 'd be lucky !
14 I should think Alex has become a sort of completely different boy , of when you think how , of when he first had him
15 A BURGLAR who left his snarling rottweiler behind when he fled from the law launched a midnight raid on a police station and nicked it back .
16 Your dear brother left quite a few problems behind when he failed to take that corner .
17 And this , ’ he pulled Lazlo 's map from his pocket and flung it across the table , ‘ The great detective left this behind when he and Rex fled from his office last night .
18 She hung his jacket on a hanger on the hat-and-coat fixture next to the deerstalker hat that Sebastian invariably donned when he went out , but which he had left behind when he 'd gone to India .
19 It simply went to his head — you know what he was like when he left . ’
20 I do not remember much about my father — just odd memories , like when he would lift me up on his horse and give me a ride .
22 I asked him what it felt like when he stood in the Richmond Building Foyer .
23 That would n't be easy ; even now he was beginning to remember what it had been like when he 'd been small and afraid of the dark , unable to sleep without a nightlight .
24 ‘ Not like when he was a baby and his father was in France until he was about three . ’
25 Most parents look at their young child and wonder what he 'll be like when he grows up .
26 My God , what 's he like when he 's not making an effort ? ’
27 I could tell he was pleased with himself but a bit scared , just like when he used to keep the half-crown Father gave him on Sundays , rather than put it on the collection plate .
28 I found out tonight what he can be like when he 's angry .
29 I should have known better ; he 'd worked it all out , planned it move by move , just like when he was playing chess . ’
30 I hope you have a family business you can push him into when he leaves school because he sure as heck wo n't get a job anywhere else . ’
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