Example sentences of "[prep] our children " in BNC.

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1 Look after our children .
2 Our generation must take on the task of thinking about the future , of assuming towards it the responsibility that we assume towards our children .
3 Just a fraction of this , just a fraction of this money directed towards our children and their services would help enormously
4 He will renew calls on the public accounts committee to conduct a full investigation into ‘ this disgraceful waste of the funds so vital to the education of our children ’ .
5 Sexual abuse in the classroom : ca n't we even trust our teachers with the safety of our children ?
6 And , even more crucially , the health of our children .
7 Our songs are the sighs of the maidens in love , the tenderness of wedlock , the dreams of our children . ’
8 But at the end , we are alone , and only in the lives and memories of our children , our friends and our work can we hope to be remembered .
9 The question must arise again now , if only because people have suggested that in order to improve the education of our children we need to move back to some system of selection ( see for example Whose Schools ?
10 Very few of us forget our names , our addresses , our birthdays or the names of our children — because those things interest us .
11 This is a big order — so big that it 's safe to say we only partially achieve this in ourselves , to say nothing of our children .
12 We ought not to assume that our own interests will be those of our children .
13 ‘ However , in due course a few , a very few indeed , intelligent teachers came to take a cool look at what was happening and they realised that for the vast majority of children the majority of our educational processes add about as much to the mental stature of our children as a diet of sawdust would add to their physical stature … . ,
14 If indeed there are dangers to the health of our children in exposure to low levels of lead , and if we can reduce this exposure by banning lead additives from petrol , then something can and should be done .
15 You would think we all agreed that acting to end third-world poverty was our number one priority , and that we would all , with barely a sigh of regret , give up our cars , our fridge-freezers and dishwashers , would cease commuting and return to live in the cities we abandoned for the good of our children , and would generally resume our lives as good citizens after 13 years in the desert .
16 Our greatest fear is that one of our children will end up in a body bag .
17 ‘ We drummed it in to all three of our children not to go off with strangers and Johanna was sensible enough to listen , ’ said Robert .
18 Both Piers and Jochen were close friends of our children , as well as of ours .
19 First the Government 's handling of our children 's schooling was condemned as ‘ divisive and unacceptable ’ by the man who advises Prince Charles on the state of education in Britain .
20 They sat astonished as Sir Claus Moser , head of the National Commission on Education , told them : ‘ The majority of our children are in schools which you would n't want to be associated with .
21 ‘ Having wonderful schools at the top and so many poor schools — both primary and secondary — in which so many of our children are taught , is a big dilemma . ’
22 IN any examination for consistency and co-operation , the people in charge of the education of our children would get nought out of ten .
23 ‘ Many of our children have seen awful things .
24 For too long as a society we have neglected the potential of our children .
25 A fresh wind of educational change can so easily become a chill wind , however , and , if it does , the most vulnerable of our children will suffer .
26 middle-class people , rich people , go elsewhere ; they go and see their GP , they have a wider network of people that they could perhaps draw on ; and if they do n't they have the nine-to-five freedom from their children , the release from the pressures of having kids around ; they have boarding schools which are a legitimate way of getting rid of our children if you have the money to do it .
27 We will help the arts become an integral part of education in every community , broadening the horizons of our children and preserving our valuable cultural heritage .
29 These statistics expressed in terms of expectation of life testify even more vividly to the distance Western society has travelled in being able to take the survival of our children almost for granted .
30 Indeed , this is the acid test of the success of the project in achieving its over-arching aim of improving the education of our children .
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