Example sentences of "[prep] her would " in BNC.

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1 The biographies were terse and restrained , as far as his private life was concerned , and effusive only about the names and quality of his publications She thought that she might ring Peter de Salis , and ask him about Mrs Denham , but she did not want to do this , in case Mrs Denham was a lady of such fame that ignorance of her would prove to be positively compromising .
2 He had only to close his eyes and the image of her would come to him , taking his breath .
3 And if he knew of the wanton pictures chasing one another through her head his insulting opinion of her would no doubt be confirmed .
4 How dared he ? she mourned as she sank down on her bed and gasped for breath , and knew then that Naylor Massingham 's low opinion of her would n't hurt anywhere near as much as it did , had she not just realised that she was desperately in love with him !
5 One tiny little fragment of her would always be a mother .
6 The reason why I did n't get much of a word in edgeways was because my lady chairman on the other side of her would n't let kept attracting her attention , so I erm there is to a lot extent a false image .
7 She began inching towards him , hugging the face of the cliff , praying that the rock beneath her would hold .
8 Only someone like her would be able to receive it and only a figure like that could understand the pain of it and yet also discern , beneath the scum of the surface , the beauties and longings which eddied in a clearer or cleaner current within him .
9 He had believed that a country girl like her would find him wonderful , a college man with great ambitions .
10 Before the days of radio , boats like her would race down-channel as far as the Lizard to get first contact for the ship-to-shore trade from vessels making port .
11 ‘ The gentleman who 'd been in with her would naturally have gone back to his room well before people started stirring . ’
12 After all , conversation with her would be limited and he could hardly hope to find out if her injury was real or not , short of tearing the bandage from her leg .
13 Nor did it mean that Germany and the countries associated with her would be let in until they had purged their crimes .
14 Inside the sitting-room he spun round on her , standing across the room as if any contact with her would be an unpleasant episode in his life .
15 And it would be a case of him taking her sightseeing if he went with her would n't it ?
16 no gently with her would you ?
17 He probably thought that Christmas day , even if he was n't with her would be a godsend
18 You 'd get off with her would n't ya ?
19 You 'd go with her would n't ya ?
20 The sounds that followed from her would have qualified her to audition for Mr Dickens 's Infant Phenomenon .
21 Those countries that could not ‘ keep up ’ with Germany or which were on a different economic cycle from her would suffer badly in terms of their standards of living .
22 He would persuade her that he loved her , ask her to promise to run away with him if her father refused his consent to their marriage , and , when he finally asked her father for her hand , threaten him with the prospect of his daughter 's elopement — he and Jared Tunstall both knew how self-willed his daughter was , and that any threat from her would not be idle .
23 Comparable psuedo-allegorizing may be found in , for example , Constant du Hamel , where Constant 's wife extorts from her would be seducers a sachet ( cf. bourse " purse " — " scrotum " ) , a corroie ( " belt " , " money-pouch " , therefore parallel to bourse ) and an anel ( " ring " — " anus " , " labia " and ? " foreskin " ) , or in Les trois Dames qui troverent l'anel , " The three women who found the " ring " " , which has an obvious basic parallel in Les trois Dames qui troverent un vit .
24 Any member of stab who went into the Biology Lab before her would have needed a good excuse to explain his presence there , unless , of course , he was a member of the Biology Department .
25 he 'd have been before her would n't he ?
26 The things he could tell you about her would make your hair curl .
27 She had known that his love for her would remain , and ‘ for her to have acted on that knowledge ’ in resorting to the deception ‘ made her deed unforgivable ’ .
28 A victory for her would be regarded as a particularly bitter blow for Mr Chirac , who has been campaigning in support of her rival .
29 To wait for her would be like walking backwards .
30 My cousin probably shares with me only one-sixteenth of my genes , so that to sacrifice myself for her would be an activity of less fitness than sacrificing for my sister .
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