Example sentences of "[prep] her [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He seems over-concerned about what people think of them , to lust after her but not deeply love her .
2 Shots rang out after her but they missed .
3 I called after her that Jean-Claude was not at home but that I would find him .
4 Coldly , calmly , she walked towards her room and walked in , so carefully shutting the door after her that it was more of a controlled insult than any violent bang to the two men still watching .
5 Kim Basinger is refusing to open an Argentinian disco named after her unless blondes are banned from standing near her in a photo session .
6 ‘ Ah , yes , of course , the live-in nanny to look after her while you 're out enjoying the high life . ’
7 The couple would like to care for Leah at home fulltime , but have been told they would be unlikely to receive funding for a night nurse to look after her while they slept .
8 He had looked after her since she had come here .
9 I know not to expect her to react in the way other dogs do , and she knows that I will look after her and she does n't have to be quite so independent .
10 By now he was used to spending longer and longer periods alone , yet in that moment when she walked away he always experienced a brief sense of loss that made him want to rush after her and beg her not to go .
11 I had to restrain myself from running after her and asking who she was — heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire perhaps ?
12 Unaware of the news which had spread swiftly throughout the city , Wilson returned to the Casa Guidi late in the evening , not really thinking to see Mrs Browning again but wishing to enquire after her and to take a knead cake she had made specially .
13 He whistled after her and shouted a coarse word , whilst Beatrice looked down at him , unshaven and dishevelled , and asked who the big Sicilian was ( an insult , of course to an Italian ) .
14 I 've just got to look after her and see that she does n't hurt herself . ’
15 Harriet waited until the door had closed after her and flicked the button , feeling oddly apprehensive .
16 Ignoring the girls who were primping in front of the mirror she ran to the cubicles and dived inside one , slamming the door after her and leaning against it .
17 We agreed as they were in London during the week ; we looked after her and paid all the bills .
18 Why had n't Shamrock 's owners looked after her and loved her as we had done ?
19 One of the men shouted after her and she broke into an awkward trot .
20 Matilda went after her and found herself in what seemed to be a dark narrow tunnel .
21 When Aggie swung round with a lightness that always denied her heavy bulk and made hastily for the door , Millie flew after her and , jumping in front of her , threw her arms around her waist as far as they would go , crying , ‘ I 'm sorry .
22 The loan exhibition of eighteenth-century European ceramics from the Bowes Museum will allow many who have not already made the trek to Barnard Castle a fascinating glimpse of this major collection of Continental ceramics assembled by Josephine Bowes , beginning in 1860 , with the idea in mind of creating a public collection ( opened 1892 , unfortunately after her and her husband 's death ) .
23 He worried about her all the time , he was even jealous of Hepzibah because she was looking after her and he was n't !
24 She had resigned from her ambulance unit because her own mother was ill and had rented a house outside Glasgow so that she could look after her and still be near the port when their father 's ship came in .
25 Mr. Joseph Bonanza , that respected community figure , might be going to look after her and he might not .
26 Well I sa , I mean I took her on to look after her and I did n't think there would any problem
27 The woman looked after her and gave a little shrug .
28 After her divorce her mother suffered a virtual nervous breakdown and had to look after her and her sisters for a while .
29 He did before he went away , asked her if we 'd look after her and we had her until she was seven years old .
30 She could not speak , indeed , it was said she had not spoken for decades , though once she had been a singer and made up songs that others learned after her and still sang .
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