Example sentences of "[prep] one [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For example , suppose the programme focuses on a child who does not obey saying that he will learn to do so after one telling .
2 Out of one spills Rufus .
3 ‘ You are being fanciful , ’ Joan said in the manner of one humouring an invalid .
4 Both parents and child operate within a system of mutuality where the behaviour of one produces effects on the other that in turn modify the behaviour of the first .
5 John Wildsen 's The Power of One fits the bill perfectly .
6 Marcus , putting his hands upon the board at the foot , moved the bed slightly on its casters , moving it gently to and fro with a movement as of one rocking a cradle .
7 ‘ That is the talk of one casting around in the dark , ’ said Ipuky with a smile like the light covering of frost which , on hard nights in the middle of peret , fringes the rushes on the banks of the river .
8 In Liverpool the local School Board , which controlled the state primary schools in the city , voted by a majority of one to use the Catechism for its ‘ non-denominational religious instruction ’ .
9 Only the utter ruthlessness of one ravaged , machine-sustained tyrant and the overstretched forces of his fierce yet fragile Imperium kept the human race tottering along its fraying tightrope .
10 The students ' work on the course is assessed by means of one written three hour paper , and the submission of three essays .
11 Products of one became raw materials or fuel for another , as shown in the diagram .
12 Once it was realized that dispositions could be salvaged by the mere addition of a trust clause , it is likely that the addition of one became a regular feature of testamentary practice .
13 Powerful , yet emotive , and sometimes melodramatic , The Power of One goes all out for the heartstrings with the weight of justice and the inevitability of history on its side .
14 This was supposed to be said in the tone of one dealing with news of some immense natural disaster .
15 ‘ Is it right here ? ’ asked Ted in the voice of one speaking only through dire necessity .
16 Using two condoms instead of one does not make sex safer .
17 Erm , now you could n't do that with that and that sounds intuitively like the kind of expression that we might have , just because I ca n't think of one does n't mean that
18 ‘ Although the dates between the applications for NIE and BT3 will be fairly close , there should be no problem if investors want to use the proceeds of one to fund the other .
19 To Clara , it was always painfully conspicuous , an indictment of a way of life ; she knew nothing of the history of slop basins , nor of the society that evolved them and their joyless name , but the sight of one affected her like some shameful family secret .
20 Their arms were held out stiff , crosswise , as if they had been crucified , and down the cheeks of one ran thin lines of blood .
21 Whereas the wife of one had afforded a new hat , the wife of the other was short of sous for knitting-wool .
22 His pleasure at the escape had for some reason given way now to even more sadness in the presence of the eagles that were still caged , as if the escape of one had intensified the sense of imprisonment of the others .
23 A warrant for the arrest of one had already been issued .
24 In cumulative selection , on the other hand , they " reproduce " ; or in some other way the results of one sieving process are fed into a subsequent sieving , which is fed into … " and so on .
25 ‘ Yes , ’ said Hannah Dooley , who gave the appearance of one prepared to be genuinely surprised by the answer , what is his name ? ’
26 The wife of one says her husband has been denied proper access to lawyers and medical care .
27 I bet their gigs are quite fun too although why anyone would want to sit and watch a video of one made by a stoned roadie is anyone 's guess .
28 I pointed to a label on the front of the tank which read Calico Oranda underneath a picture of one bearing a striking resemblance to the fish in question .
29 I ca n't think of one shot I 've taken that would be out of place in a family album .
30 ‘ We must do something about this exhibition , ’ Jay said , with the very English concentration of one commenting on the vagaries of the weather .
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