Example sentences of "[prep] no more " in BNC.

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1 One or two , like his solicitor and his second wife 's psychiatrist , took their leave after no more than 90 minutes .
2 After no more than five or ten seconds ' pause the door shivered under a hard kick , and then another .
3 The only one is that constant crying is usually ‘ self-limiting ’ — that is , it stops by itself after running its course ; usually after no more than three to four months .
4 City economists predicted that building societies could lift their mortgage rates as much as 1.5 per cent — to 15 per cent on average — although initial indications from the societies pointed to a rise of no more than 1.25 per cent .
5 Where the council ‘ overspends ’ government targets of an increase of no more than 8.3 per cent in spending next year , some poll tax payers may lose more .
6 The Minutes do not tell us in what Mr R — — — ‘ s ‘ misconduct ’ consisted and he is heard of no more .
7 The Government 's share shop initiative at the time of the second British Telecom issue brought cheaper dealing for the smaller investor , with charges of no more than 1.5 per cent or £15 minimum .
8 I can think of no more deadly combination than the disciplines imposed on us by ERM and Labour 's taste for economic debauchery .
9 A Lotto-type pool here could generate big profits on a deduction of no more than four per cent . ’
10 SIR — With the present water crisis in the South-East , perhaps it would be helpful to adopt the war-time restriction on baths of no more than five inches of water .
11 On the other side of the court entrance were three narrow two storey houses , each having a frontage of no more than eight feet .
12 The exact numbers involved are obscure , but Walpole-Bond 's account suggests a population of no more than five to 10 pairs at best , and breeding was not established as an annual occurrence .
13 A meticulous survey of black widow attacks on humans in the USA from 1726 to 1943 revealed 1,291 recorded bites — in other words , an average of no more than six bites a year .
14 I have had some very nice Boxing Day parties of no more than ten people .
15 Although a vineyard thus cultivated always appears to contain vines of no more than three years of age , they do of course all issue from their parent plants , thus a ‘ pre-phylloxera ’ vine nowadays will be either three or eighty years old , depending upon how it is viewed .
16 Early on , however , the forerunner of the modern House of Lords emerged from the Council around the monarch and it is now over seven centuries since commoners of England ( albeit of no more lowly status than the county squirearchy ) were admitted to the Parliament of England .
17 She was expecting a bill of no more than £50 for the short job , presenter John Stapleton told viewers .
18 There she lived in the school house and had charge of a little brood of no more than eight or nine children .
19 Cannon have a range of no more than two hundred yards , to be effective .
20 Nurses , teachers and others at the bottom end of the wage scale will get rises of no more that 1½ per cent — a virtual freeze .
21 Additional gravity data indicate that the overall excess mass of the Huntly 7 basic intrusion is small , the intrusion possibly extending to a depth of no more than 2 kilometres .
22 The animals ' daily movements become much more restricted — covering an area of no more than a hundred metres square .
23 Like The Mousetrap , I suspect this debate will run and run , unless of course we find enough Michael Changs who can ace opponents with serves of no more than 62mph and then no doubt , as in the Vilas , Solomon , Dibbs era , we will start complaining that the game has become too slow again .
24 But his cash income of 80 yuan a month , even when supplemented by the sale of a pig or two a year , gives the family a yearly cash income of no more than 1,500 yuan .
25 Russia , America and Britain ( though not France and China ) already test with a yield of no more than 150 kilotons .
26 Mr Singh came to power in last year 's farcical assembly election by getting the support of no more than 9% of registered voters .
27 As a result the Daily News decided to compete , and sentences of no more than five words and paragraphs of no more than ten did not really suit Toby 's style .
28 As a result the Daily News decided to compete , and sentences of no more than five words and paragraphs of no more than ten did not really suit Toby 's style .
29 Edward had had to defer rather than abandon his plans , however , and in 1356 he sent Lancaster to Normandy with a small force of no more than 1,000 archers and 1,400 men-at-arms , which included supporting contingents from Normandy and from the Breton garrisons .
30 The shortfall in Northern Ireland of no more than four members could hardly give rise to serious objection .
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