Example sentences of "[prep] so little " in BNC.

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1 And she loved his body , the astringent unsweaty cleverness of it , that gave with delight and asked for so little back .
2 The king was astonished that he asked for so little , and readily agreed .
3 In no other area of environmental policy does legislation impose such burdens for so little gain .
4 And for so little money !
5 For it is a prime fact about classical Macedon , and one that explains why so large and rich a country counted for so little until so late , that she was a frontier province of the Greek world ; beyond lay Illyrians , Dardanians and Thracians , and beyond them the drifting pre-Celtic populations of central Europe , undisciplined fighters but unlimited in manpower .
6 ‘ But the work is so hard , for so little .
7 It was dreadful to her to think that Rose was an amateur tart earning such a pittance in her legitimate work that she was ready to sell herself for so little .
8 Rhodri was still muttering , unwilling to give up his customary pessimism , but he might as well not have been in the room with them , he counted for so little at this moment .
9 ( 42 ) If he was small enough to sell his Lord for so little , how account for the remorse which led him to suicide when he realized that Christ was to be slain ?
10 Priced at just under £30,000 , however , the Alpine offers so much for so little as to question the morality of widening the scope of supercar ownership far beyond those dedicated few prepared to invest in the high level of training to drive one safely .
11 Have so many ever died for so little gain ?
12 And for so little thanks !
13 Did you ever think it was unfair that you had to work so hard for so little money ?
14 He simply observed , rather wearily , that if Gentle 's word was worth so little after all the effort he , Klein , had put into finding work for him , then it was perhaps best that they end their business relationship now .
15 And how interesting was the way in which it took advantage of so little light as to shine enough for me to see it so clearly .
16 Norwegian conservationists are furious that the directorate , which is reluctant to fund studies of wolves , is authorising the hunting of the endangered species on the basis of so little information .
17 The love nest he had conjured out of so little would make up for all her pain .
18 Perhaps the fact that those most frequently bereaved , the very old , have been the subject of so little research in this area , is in itself indicative of ageism amongst the professionals .
19 Indeed , as Wolfram points out , such relationships are of so little importance within British kinship that there are no recognized kinship terms for many of these relationships gained through marriage ( Wolfram , 1987 , p. 4 ) .
20 There was also the practical reason to provide convincing reasons why so many men were possessed of so little or no assessable ‘ substance ’ , and in the subsidy to justify the assessments of wages which only became effective in the absence of taxable goods , and , moreover , masters were responsible for the payment of their servants ' taxes .
21 The corollary of the theory , of course , is that ads for the cheap , day-to-day , convenience type of product are of so little interest to anybody that they should carry a minimum of information , and that they will even then have great difficulty in achieving any very active response from customers .
22 Which is the purest bull , I know : any second now — so invasively , so grimly , and on the basis of so little acquaintance — Tod 's going to stick his finger up the poor guy 's ass .
23 Bingham enjoys the reputation of being able to get so much out of so little , making the most of limited resources .
24 It needs to be emphasised that in marking intonation , only stressed syllables are marked ; this implies that intonation is carried entirely by the stressed syllables of a tone-unit and that the pitch of unstressed syllables is either predictable from that of stressed syllables or is of so little importance that it is not worth marking .
25 For this reason , some of the Prince 's closest friends were against the marriage ; they feared that with so little in common it could never work .
26 She made a little rite of soaking her feet in a corn cure called ‘ Reudel ’ , and as she lowered her feet into the bowl of steaming water there was again that little look , that narrowing of the eyes and pursing of the lips , which said so much with so little disturbance of her features .
27 That it will reach 130mph was no surprise but to do so with so little fuss and noise was impressive .
28 Lord Brougham believed of Liverpool that : ‘ No minister ever passed his time with so little ill-will directed against himself , or had so much forbearance shown him upon all occasions . ’
29 With so little fat in the diet I would n't have been surprised to receive reports of dryness , but I had no reason to worry .
30 There never was a time when so many could get about so quickly , comfortably , and with so little effort as we can now ( except when they were infants in arms ) .
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