Example sentences of "[prep] be follow " in BNC.

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1 The finish , specified by the church architect , was a mixture of oils and spirits and ammonia , to be followed by beeswax .
2 Instructions can be left by those who wish to donate their bodies for research , although these do not have to be followed by the executors .
3 Here a month before closure Class 207 dmu No 1306 leaves Eridge with the 14.35 from Uckfield , to Victoria , to be followed by unit No 1310 ( in platform 1 on the right ) forming the 14.59 to tonbridge via Tunbridge Wells .
4 Techniques such as object oriented design and structured programming will have to be followed to conform to engineering practice .
5 There are rumours of a London investment presentation , to be followed by a US roadshow .
6 ‘ You may care to consider whether this is not a practice to be followed in the case of Ferranti . ’
7 By 1908 , when he saw that his stipulation was ruled out by the failure of British immigrants and the Liberal acceleration of colonial self-government — soon to be followed by South African union — he unhesitatingly drew the correct conclusion :
8 Badfinger had worked out of the studios but the main guy topped himself in 1975 ( to be followed by another in 1983 ) and Bill was left with a studio and no band .
9 Historians might say that in the twentieth century in Britain only the reforming administrations of 1906 and 1945 provided a major change in direction to be followed by administrations which consolidated the changes .
10 The reverse is seen : long ‘ daytimes ’ tend to be followed by shorter sleeps and vice versa .
11 While this downswing will not be as sharp as the previous downturn ( in 1979-81 ) , not least given the very much lower level of inflation that we now have , a dull 1989 is bound to be followed by a difficult 1990 . ’
12 Talks with Mr Bush and his National Security Advisor , General Brent Scowcroft , are to be followed by a what is planned to be as informal a lunch as Mrs Thatcher 's presence will permit .
13 Two members of this summer 's Lions squad , Mike Griffiths and Mike Hall , decided to leave Bridgend for Cardiff last week , while the Wales hooker Ian Watkins joined them from Ebbw Vale in August to be followed by Newport 's Wales B wing Damien Griffiths and the Abertillery lock Stuart Nunnerley .
14 The Universiade GB board also announced that the immediate cash-flow problems , revealed a week ago , had now been resolved by an injection of funds by Sheffield City Council and that further offers of financial support are to be followed up immediately .
15 Future projects include a series on Channel 4 in April , to be followed by a sitcom for Granada , hopefully in the summer .
16 Still , the two parties have moved towards the round-table talks that both want — although the government calls them a multi-party conference , whereas the ANC looks forward to an all-party congress , to be followed eventually by an elected constituent assembly .
17 A man from Dyno-Rod was called in , to be followed , shortly afterwards , by a couple of detectives from Hornsey police station .
18 would give selected staff a London training , to be followed , if you were lucky , by a London job — at Euston , or King 's Cross , or at least a post in one of the large cities , at Snow Hill , Crewe or even Edinburgh .
19 She had wanted to argue the matter out , for she had every next sentence there , in her head , only to be followed like a crochet pattern .
20 The letter was marked down to be followed up ; the death sentence was the likely result .
21 In discussing how animals find their way about , I have drawn a distinction between cases ( for example , jumping spiders making detours ) in which what is stored in the brain is a set of rules to be followed — sometimes called an ‘ algorithm ’ — and others ( for example , rats finding a submerged platform ) in which the brain stores a representation of the world , or , if you prefer , in which the animal has some knowledge of what is the case .
22 From then on the snowball gathered momentum until on 24th November , the entire Politburo resigned , to be followed by the collapse of its still communist-dominated replacement government on 7th December .
23 A sheet of lightning flashed across the waters , to be followed , seconds later , by a roll of thunder .
24 Metrolink is the first on-street light rail system in this country and is to be followed late next year by a network in Sheffield .
25 When Floriade closes , some of the plantings will remain and part of the site will be used for new town expansion Meanwhile in the giant flowerbeds more than 400 varieties of tulips , daffodils and hyacinths will flower , to be followed by annuals , then dahlias and chrysanthemums .
26 Mr Douglas Hurd , Foreign Secretary , made clear that the sanctions were only a first step , to be followed if necessary by a ban on oil exports , source of 95 per cent of Col Gaddafi 's revenue .
27 A working party , chaired by Robin Bidwell of the consultancy Environmental Resources , sets out proposals for a scheme to provide ( i ) a framework within which environmental consulting groups can declare their competence for carrying out environmental auditing and ( ii ) a code of practice to be followed when undertaking environmental audits .
28 In France , royalty was abolished in 1792 , and a Republic proclaimed , to be followed by the ‘ Reign of Terror ’ , with the notorious Robespierre , lasting until 1794 .
29 January 1871 , to be followed on June 1888 , by William II — Kaiser William .
30 By 1882 , Edison 's system of generating power in a central power station , changed industrial methods almost as much as steam had brought about the industrial revolution , and by 1885 the first internal combustion driven machine had appeared , to be followed in 1894 by the first recognisable motorcar .
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