Example sentences of "[prep] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps this debate wo n't be as lively and er as controversial as the one that er we arranged to have on the question of insider dealing but it is an important matter because auditing as I said , is not just as assistance to companies but it is a reassurance to the general public and the public at the moment are in need of grave reassurance that the insur that the er the financial services industry as well as industry generally , is being properly looked after and for these reasons er although we support er the orders before er the house tonight , we have no hesitation at all in ensuring that they are debated properly than not something that should simply go through on the nod .
2 In terms of the disposition of the executive 's programmes , however , the Congress retains great influence over whether a president gets the legislation he is after and in what form it will become law .
3 The amount of lyso platelet activating factor was calculated as the difference between the quantity of platelet activating factor measured after and before acetylation of the samples .
4 The amount of lyso platelet activating factor was calculated as the difference between the quantity of platelet activating factor measured after and before acetylation of the samples .
5 in respect of death of or bodily injury to any person arising out of' and in the course of such persons employment by the person claiming to be indemnified under this Section
6 I 'm caught you know betwixt and between , which do I like the best .
7 This may sound complicated but the argument is very similar to that which Victor Turner employs when he comments on the liminality , or " betwixt and between " status , of persons who are engaged in any ritual process . "
8 Odo , the Abbot of Ferrières , explained his difficulties to Abbot Markward of Prüm : " We are placed betwixt and between — and we float uncertainly .
9 The problem , neatly summarized by Blackaby ( 1980 ) , was that Britain 's collective bargaining structure lay betwixt and between two polar extremes : at one extreme was the highly centralized system which was prevalent in some countries of continental Europe ; at the other extreme was the model of atomistic competition in labour markets which appeared to feature only in textbooks .
10 When a weak-form word is being contrasted with another word , e.g. : ‘ The letter 's from him , not to him ’ A similar case is what we might call a co-ordinated use of prepositions : ‘ I travel to and from London a lot ’ ‘ A work of and about literature ’
11 At the base of a steep crack we drape our possessions on these to save them a wetting and balance out of and into different footwear .
12 Over the post-war period the flow of direct investment out of and into the UK has grown .
13 The only part to survive was a later addition to the original building , a warehouselike structure placed in front of and astride the main entrance .
14 5.1 All components of the Licensed Software and any derivatives , extensions or adaptations of the Licensed Software offered for sale in the Agreed Territories shall be published under the joint imprint of and of .
15 I had to run them coals out and I tell you the they come over the top of and of course 's coming up here , 's coming down here and did meet there .
16 Although they would , as fourth-rank tensors , have 81 components each the symmetry of and of reduces the number of independent components to 36 .
17 Courtesy of and of the Department of Applied Chemical and Physical Sciences .
18 SCOTVEC gratefully acknowledges the work of all the members of the module writing teams and the team coordinators in the development of the new Sciences modules and the work of and of the Scottish Further Education Unit in the preparation of this document .
19 Figure 21.15 shows distributions of and of its components , , and across a boundary layer .
20 I want it to kind of and of course I ended up buying more stuff !
21 so there must be a bit of and of course .
22 What is it a study of and to what end ?
23 where These solutions derived by Saint-Venant , apply only to small values of and to isotropic materials .
24 But Carson is also suggesting how the fantasized desire for the ‘ other ’ actually begins at home as a domestic projection ; how fantasy is ineradicably social and , as such , susceptibility to stereotypes of all kinds , including racial and racist ones ; how fantasy of and for the other exemplifies the mobilities of desire and identification .
25 Although he so obviously loved her , waited on her hand and foot , thought almost entirely of and for her , there was a tiny part of him which eluded her .
26 Pain is of and for itself alone .
27 In short the simplistic ‘ business model ’ is no substitute for a much more radical and exciting blend of management of and for professionality which may be within our grasp .
28 Such an approach would be centred upon the management of and for professionality and it would be based upon a relocation of the whole management process — away from a top-down managerial philosophy and practice , and towards a genuinely collegiate form which would go far beyond the traditional boundaries of delegation .
29 If the parent of the opposite sex was unconsciously seductive with this adult when a young child , and if the excitement of the love of and for this parent was felt to be too dangerous , or was disapproved of by the parent of the same sex , passion and excitement within marriage may continue to be forbidden by an inner imperative .
30 ‘ I am assuming the responsibility for all of my co-workers , both for those things I was aware of and for those things that I discovered in the last few days since the name of Olivetti began circulating .
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