Example sentences of "[prep] people they " in BNC.

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1 What Marx wants to stress here is that although Germanic tribes form quite large groups of people they do not form any kind of community with communal property , as was the case in the ancient city states ; they are merely ad hoc agglomerates .
2 So you see the sort of people they are ?
3 They did n't want to go and kill a lot of people they did n't know .
4 And when it comes to appointments , they just get on the blower to somebody and say ‘ give me your views ’ , and it 's the same circle of people they know and trust .
5 Let them know it 's going to have a fabulous programme and be full of people they know or others of a like mind .
6 En route they met a number of people they knew , hearing their stories and telling their own .
7 I think that nowhere so much as in London do people wear — to the eye of observation — definite signs of the sort of people they may be .
8 Furthermore , an oversell leaves the candidate wondering what kind of people they are going to work for .
9 We can not help but wonder what kind of people they were , how they lived and what kind of place they lived in .
10 One view of the future of work is that large firms will not employ the enormous numbers of people they employ today .
11 These individuals act both personally — that is , both as the kinds of people they are , and representationally — that is , with those powers and permissions that others in the organisation allow them .
12 The traditional explanation is that all mothers with colicky babies — regardless of what sort of people they are or what else is happening in their lives — suddenly become more confident and relaxed at this point .
13 ‘ I wonder what sort of people they are down here .
14 When police in Cleveland pinned on station noticeboards photos of people they suspected might be infected with the Aids virus , the two probation officers who disclosed this practice were disciplined .
15 They set up sessions where people could come and talk about the families , and make statements about the sort of people they were .
16 She and Rufus and Adam himself had all been putting forward the names of people they knew who might want to be part of a commune , likely people of the right sort of age and the right sort of temperament .
17 The reader who has survived so far may recall that during my wartime service in the Navy I had nursed a great curiosity about the enemy we rarely saw , and that I had promised myself that at some time in the future I would find out more about them , the ships they had fought in and the sort of people they were .
18 My wife 's family are the sort of people they attack first .
19 Their recruitment policy reflects this in the type of people they hire .
20 Overall , clients are likely to go to the executive search firm they feel most comfortable with , which has the most appropriate range of experience and is closest to the image of the type of people they wish to recruit .
21 Picture to yourself a monstrous skip crammed with trivia : singularly ununique childhood memories , 5 billion sports results , faces of people they do n't like , plots of television soap operas , tips concerning how to clean red wine off a carpet , the name of their MP , that sort of thing .
22 But they do n't need the number of people they did before .
23 Clearly , the creators of the script start with a reasonably clear idea of the sort of people they want , and they should be able to describe them fairly accurately .
24 In one set of experiments subjects were shown photographs of people they did not know and were asked to indicate whether they thought the person in each picture was a successful person or a failure .
25 and then to find out what sort of people they 've got working for them and what qualifications .
26 What a wonderful bunch of people they have in Random House .
27 And tell me about the lady who did abortions , erm , did you know very much about what sort of people they were ?
28 Erm and with the housing people putting the type of people they put in there , it did lead to a lot of problems .
29 She felt it was not just chance that they met so often near her home , yet he only talked about what was happening in other parts of the world , never of people they knew or of his feelings towards her .
30 Sarah had told Anne that her grandmother 's lodger Josh Adamson had died of a heart attack at the start of the raid , but they said nothing of this to Julia nor of the casualty lists which were posted up containing many names of people they knew .
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