Example sentences of "[prep] time take " in BNC.

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1 He 's threatened , just a couple of times to take an overdose .
2 Dr Mumby said , ‘ It would be a waste of time taking Mr Royan 's blood pressure or listening to his chest .
3 it 's a waste of time taking an umbrella anyway
4 But I realize that pa taking paracetamol and things like that too often can get you too used to them and then it 's a waste of time taking them .
5 Since then we 've had plenty of time to take stock , to get to know areas and compare different locations , ages and styles of house before making any decision .
6 Any liquid would gather in the ditch and there would be plenty of time to take preventive action , since it did not discharge to a stream for some distance .
7 need to know , need to know , I do n't know mum , I could n't tell you just erm stick it on before you go to bed just give it a bit of time to take the chill of it , alright , bye You can if you wish discard everything that 's just been said I mean my mother 's trying to book my holiday which does n't surprise me , , but then again she usually tries to anyway , where you going ? , what you doing ? , who you going with ? right , I shall tell you now the exam questions shall I ? , what do you want to know ?
8 Although many authorities can deal with routine applications within the eight weeks allowed to them , applications raising major issues and those dealing with large construction programmes , are extremely unlikely to be dealt with in anything like that period ( statistics on the length of time taken by local authorities in dealing with applications are produced regularly by the Department of the Environment ) .
9 This is demonstrated , on the one hand , by Enterprise Zones , the enlargement of exemptions in the GDO and talk of further relaxations of control , and on the other , by inquiries , like those for the Third London Airport and Sizewell , breaking the records for length of time taken .
10 The passage of time taken for the paint to thicken might also be discussed .
11 However we have already seen ( see Appendix B ) that the total number of candidate strings can number in the thousands , so any correction techniques applied to these would reach explosive proportions in terms of time taken and number of additional candidates produced .
12 Algorithms such as reversing sequences of ie to ei following a letter c are effective first attempts before going on to more complicated techniques , or even instead of such techniques which may turn out to be counter-productive in terms of time taken and the number of candidates produced .
13 The length of time taken to prepare the OED and its Supplement reflects the skilled , complex , and painstaking labour required in their composition .
14 On the other hand , over-reliance on an open labour market also had disadvantages involving the amount of time taken to recruit extra workers , the need to train new entrants and the possibility that firms may have to bid higher wages to attract labour .
15 The total amount of time taken up in such social exchanges or interactions in this sample is in fact relatively small : a division of housewives into three groups according to the proportion of work time thus occupied — less than twenty-five per cent , between twenty-five and fifty per cent , more than fifty per cent — revealed the majority of women to be in the first group ; there was no significant relationship with work satisfaction patterns .
16 At the 1985 Special Commission , various estimates were given as to the length of time taken to comply with a Letter of Request .
17 She found that the proportion of time taken up by pauses varied considerably between subjects , although there was also considerable variation within subjects depending on the topic of conversation .
18 The complexities of the law can add to the amount of time taken to resolve a case .
19 The value of depends on the laser power P , the length of time taken for each measurement , and the efficiency ε of detecting photons : where is the angular frequency of the laser light and h is Planck 's constant divided by .
20 The /U tells MS-DOS to carry out an unconditional format , and this reduces the amount of time taken to do the format .
21 No comment need be made relative to the length of time taken for certain actions to be raised .
22 At present , there is no means by which a judge can sufficiently control the length of time taken by a defendant , particularly — this was not the case with the County NatWest and Blue Arrow trial — one who is defending himself .
23 Will the Minister give us an assurance that genuine applications that are encouraged by take-up campaigns are not subjected to discrimination in terms of the length of time taken for their assessment ?
24 The records of these boards show great variety in the length of time taken to reach agreements , the disparity in offers and counteroffers and the flow of information to be traced in detail .
25 As the number of possibilities of selecting the cards and thus the number of bits of information involved increases , the amount of time taken to perform the task increases proportionally .
26 Erm and the simple reason he says the the historical length of time taken by females we need more public facilities .
27 Initial heat up time takes about 15 minutes , efficient heat insulation completes the picture .
28 Close monitoring and forecasting could give important early indications of cash flow problems , with time to take corrective action .
29 Steve Bates , the Wasps scrum-half , has recovered from an ankle injury in time to take his place in the England B team for Saturday 's match against the Soviet Union at Northampton .
30 Other Companies of the Battalion were already moving off in time to take their appropriate places in the March Table .
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