Example sentences of "[prep] what [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But after what went on in the first leg , I hope we get a referee who will be strong enough to stamp out any foul play .
2 Now , after what had happened with Mr Bishop , she had become even more convinced of this .
3 She had believed him even now , even after what had happened and was happening , when he had said that his love for her remained as it had ever been , something eternal .
4 He asked to switch her mind to something else , and because it was essential to leave the autobahn after what had just happened .
5 After what had happened the previous evening exquisite delicacy had seemed uncalled for .
6 After what had happened I could n't face trying to contact you .
7 That he might die , he did not much care , not , as he lay , and without protest , after what had already happened .
8 Her father , after what had happened in front of the telly that evening , was first on her list .
9 Contemporaries remember him coming scowling to school after what had clearly been rows with his patron .
10 No reason for either of them to write or telephone , not after what had been said .
11 After what had passed I thought there was a line drawn between us .
12 Our shooting permits , after what had been eleven months of filming , were due to expire that evening and , though shot at the very end , the sequence on Anak Krakatoa was intended to introduce the very beginning of our whole ten years of adventure films .
13 Obviously I could not relax and take stock in the turret after what had happened , so I worked my way back to the Bible Room , closed the door quietly and lay down in the bunk .
14 She tried to think more rationally , to dismiss the darker possibilities from her mind , but after what had happened here in the past week or so she found the worrying thoughts came more easily .
15 And then it would n't occur to her that after what had happened , he would have the nerve to go under his own steam .
16 Above all , how could he have the nerve to come here after what had happened the other night ?
17 After what had happened last time , he 'd need to earn her trust before he could assume it .
18 She could n't simply go on as before , not after what had happened in the hotel 's restaurant .
19 ‘ You mean that even after what had happened to you , you never questioned your faith ? ’
20 As the plan now called for Jafaar and Hamadan to meet Younis in Cyprus before consummating their phony drug deal aboard Saunk Kilo , and as close electronic monitoring of their conversations would be essential to avoid last-minute surprises , Hurley was determined not to risk a breakdown in surveillance , after what had happened with the boat .
21 I was afraid to go into the house after what had happened in the village , so I hid in the hut .
22 After what had happened , quite a different destination seemed appropriate .
23 What did remain in that paper , that year , was a hankering after what had survived from 1967 , exemplified in the prose of John Peel .
24 There had been genuine fear on some of those people 's faces when she had mentioned Martin 's name , a fear she could appreciate after what had happened to her last night , but it had n't shaken her determination to get to the bottom of the story .
25 Still , she did n't think she could ever be comfortable with him , not after what had happened between them .
26 All she had been urged to do was relax and recover her health and spirits after what had been a very traumatic experience .
27 Our chances of ending the war quickly would certainly be greatly increased if the battle were won ; but if we failed to win it , even after what had already been achieved , our victory would merely be postponed and not rendered impossible , especially if we resolved in good time not to persist with our useless efforts at Verdun , but to take the initiative of attack elsewhere .
28 After what seemed its thirty-fifth repetition , Rowicki put down his baton , looked up and spoke to the ceiling in a low-pitched , conversational tone : ‘ Everyone can now play this correctly except Mr X ’ ( the fourth inside desk cellist ) .
29 Bishop made Saints ' opening touchdown in the 46th minute after what seemed an eternal wait and then George Mann crashed over before Warrington regrouped .
30 After what seemed like several hours but was probably only a few minutes , we heard an aircraft approaching , and heads popped up all over the hut .
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