Example sentences of "[prep] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We played in Guernsey and this man came after us waving a stick and shouting that we were heretics and ‘ Thou shalt not be a false Messiah ’ .
2 And that Famlio had come after us to get it .
3 And she sort of we went through it a couple of time and then she said , I did n't say it , and neither did Jeff so I do n't know where she got it from .
4 Whereas most of the models today that we think of we regard them as a mixture of the two but with a he and , depending on the type of or the piece of perception that we 're working on , we have either one the other .
5 A lot of We get the complicated carbon compounds in erm all the natural processes .
6 It was gon na take quite a while so erm we got the base five as quickly as possible so that we had as many hands on the job at once and er we had some formwork getting spare so we decided to make them useful and it 's a case of we 'd got six tanks to do and if we had a breakage we ca n't afford to stop the programme so as a er , a standby , just in case , we may never use these we might three or four uses out of but if we do have a breakage we want to be able to replace that straight away so have a spare set and you 've got nothing more to do and er get the walls , get the er , the back build operation right at the very end , ongoing , till you 've got the waterproofers in er get the waterproofing up to the five meter level and er get the back build in as quickly as possible .
7 And Ben like when we were sort of there Ben sort of we 'd been sitting around for a while and he said it 's very embarrassing to have to ask this but you 're staying the night and stuff erm are you two a couple or are you just friends so no , just friends but it 's alright , if you do n't have any spare rooms we 'll be perfectly happy to sleep together , do n't worry .
8 Well he loves it , he loved it before he knew sort of we got
9 I had to sleep in the same room as loads of them on account of we said I was his secretary . ’
10 . I remember one thing , talking about things falling out and one of We had to go and pick up erm er er There was a great business you know about these er what are they called these these games .
11 So my advice is , go out there and buy one before the collectors realise the RD 's worth and start pushing prices way beyond the means of we average musos .
12 This is a whole of a mish-mash , I think we ought to go back to what we did in nineteen ninety two , its the twenty ninth of January and to confer the rights of tenants and other occupiers of land to allow or stop fox hunting or any other hunting over land in their care and least trust some people instead of this business of we know best .
13 that was what we were sort of we gathered in
14 We had noticed the week before that er that we had some Penguin biscuits in and er really sort of we kept looking at these Penguins
15 So can sort of we point the discussion in in that direction but before we do Miss Whittaker has a corollary to push with that point .
16 As before , the calculation breaks down into three parts : Stage 1 : Determination of We use equation ( 9 ) to calculate .
17 Really it would be nice of we to have A level plays so A level student could come and see .
18 If it meant anything at all , thought Henry , it was something along the lines of We have n't got a clue .
19 Now since must be expressible as a function of we have using the summation convention .
20 Mr President Portsmouth is a thriving maritime city with much to be proud of we have many supreme attractions Victory Mary Rose and Warrior amongst others which I hope you will have a chance to visit some time during your stay here in Portsmouth .
21 The erm , the gross borrowings , the dollar is the overwhelming element in , in terms of we have about erm , two hundred and thirty five million of sterling debt , two bond issues and some old loan stocks and then the rest of it , that 's gross debt and , and some of that swaps , you know .
22 It 's been wonderful and it is a lot of we have got two super teachers , that they are enthused by Celia .
23 had n't real we 've had the frost of we have
24 I mean we hope we 're doing the right thing , and as I say the response we 're getting seems to indicate that , but we have not erm followed through each of we have a large number of participants every year , you see , in the order of about erm a hundred and fifty each year , so very difficult for you to try and follow through the fate of each of them .
25 We 're not the kind of thing that attracts government funding cos we 're not sort of we do n't go along with the architectural you know , the architectural establishment really insists that everything should be exactly just so .
26 It is easy to see how the plot of We Did n't Mean To Go To Sea hatched , as he looked out into the distance and remembered a time when as a young man his anchor had dragged , and he had found himself sailing out to sea at night .
27 If only you were aware of we did the other things
28 For a point on the top of we obtain a point on the side given by with a similar formula , given by the symmetry , for { 0 .
29 And we , it 's really funny because of we started off the evening talking about leg waxing .
30 He who is the blameless party takes the initiative in running towards us to forgive .
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