Example sentences of "[prep] i [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm discreetly handcuffed to Detective Sergeant Flavell — McDunn has the key — and we have a couple of burly plain-clothes men with us I strongly suspect are tooled up , but the pressure seems to be off me a bit .
2 Now I 've got through the first round , it 's taken the pressure off me a bit .
3 I looked wildly about me a hundred times , unable to think what to do ; then I threw my coat on over my nightdress , pulled woollen socks over the wool trousers I wore to protect me from the cold , and ran to the door , without listening to what his friend was trying to say to me .
4 They call me that , she thought , when they are talking about me , for they talk about me a great deal even when I am there .
5 You do care about me a bit , do n't you , Harry ? ’
6 ‘ Which is one thing about me the murderer does n't know .
7 ‘ Later , my mother told me of her terrible foreboding that she had about me the day we made that first daylight raid on Berlin .
8 Through me the defendants tender their sincere apologies to the plaintiff for the distress she was caused by the publication of the article . ’
9 ‘ See , she 's an usherette now , so she do n't have time for me no more . ’
10 Monica , 44 , said : ‘ I know that nothing can bring Alan back but for me no sentence that our courts are allowed to impose could ever be enough .
11 ‘ Death is waiting for me no less , ’ he said low and gently into her ear , ‘ and for you .
12 This is a copy of Countryd Top copy sent to OBITS Country Diary for Saturday December 9th Machynlleth : For me a frequent delight in many years of hill-walking in Wales has been to come upon that lively , eye-catching bird the wheatear which so loves to play hide and seek among the rocks .
13 A Country Diary : MACHYNLLETH : For me a frequent delight in many years of hill-walking in Wales has been to come upon that lively , eye-catching bird the wheatear which so loves to play hide and seek among the rocks .
14 ‘ I do have an electric razor , but for me a serious shave is a wet one .
15 Perhaps sex had become for me a habit-forming drug .
16 I conducted the First Symphony during the war but the first two symphonies have always been for me a little to close to Tchaikovsky .
17 It was for me a phantom of literary delight ; a name , though less euphonious , almost as evocative as Samarkand , Trebizond or Persepolis .
18 Beyond and above the jolt to the national memory , there was for me a special exhumation of the past .
19 This became for me a serious piece of policy .
20 Maintain 'd for me a saving intercourse
21 There remains for me a disturbing element about In Memoriam notices .
22 If I were to ask a school-teacher to choose for me a sample which she considered to be a fair cross-section of her pupils so that I could interview them for a survey , there would almost certainly be a personal bias in the sample given to me .
23 On my first administrative promotion in Buckinghamshire I encountered Geoff Link , for me a new colleague , but also a former teacher .
24 For me a classic pop song has a great hook , but you always leave something out for people to put in themselves , ’ says John .
25 Surrounded as I was by supremely negative images of homosexuality such as ‘ the man in the dirty mac living out a lonely old age in a filthy garret ’ , I still felt that there was for me a clear choice between expressing or repressing my homosexual desire .
26 JACK CHARLTON ( Leeds and England 1952–72 ) : ‘ I think he summed it up for me a couple of years ago when they questioned him being an Englishman in charge of the Irish team .
27 The university opened up for me a freedom I never knew existed .
28 For me a badly painted reflection fades away , while in a good painting it lies on the surface and itself creates a consistently advancing plane .
29 You see , for me a good game of football involves lots of intricate passing .
30 When some years ago I decided to pay the Life Governor 's subscription the expense was for me a serious cost but was willing to pay it to ensure that I should continue to enjoy the privileges without having to worry about future subscriptions when I had retired from salaried work .
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