Example sentences of "[prep] it has " in BNC.

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1 It is n't a good idea to climb hills after eating at the Naked Man — ideally you should find a quiet corner and sleep it off like a boa constrictor does after it has swallowed a goat or two too many .
2 Most of it has been proved wrong .
3 Much of it has been known before , from the account published by J. C. Masterman — one of the MI5 men concerned — in 1972 .
4 ‘ The reading of it has been a good preparation for Lent as far as I am concerned : for it shows me ( through the heroine ) the special sin of abuse of intellect to which all my profession are liable , more clearly than I ever saw before .
5 A lot of it has been focused on my body — first for being too fat , now for being too thin .
6 Most of it has gone to three institutions : the British Museum , RADA and the National Gallery of Ireland .
7 Once most of it has been removed , put the paint brush back in clean turps for about half an hour , and repeat .
8 Most of it has been demolished but some forms part of Kings Mill House .
9 They can now say that some of it has been in the ground for more than a million years .
10 And we must avoid dismissing a particular policy wholesale simply because the pretence of it has sometimes been used to justify iniquity .
11 A fundamental part of it has to be this recognition : animals have the right to be left alone .
12 ‘ It does n't look as if any of it has ever been picked ! ’
13 The CAB has developed considerable skill in training , as this chapter has demonstrated , and much of it has relevance outside the CAB as well as inside .
14 The poetry of China is even more extensive than that of Europe , and only the surface of it has been scratched by the West .
15 If we consider the environment in the broadest sense , much monitoring of it has been in progress for many years and by an enormous diversity of organizations in the UK ; these include the DoE , the Forestry Commission , the Nature Conservancy , the Health and Safety Executive , local authorities , the component members of the Natural Environment Research Council ( such as the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology and the British Antarctic Survey ) , individuals or research groups in academia , the CEGB , the Friends of the Earth , and UK Centre for Economic and Environmental Development ( CEED ) ( 1989 ) .
16 Because the land here is valuable most of it has been bought for shops and offices , many rebuilt in high multi-storey blocks .
17 Their output has been prodigious — and most of it has been perfectly intelligible , even to those who would rather it were not .
18 The company is hoping to recover some of the money from Wright , but admits much of it has already been spent , making his appointment an expensive mistake .
19 Much of it has very little to do with what you are , and that is an emotion I have always felt and will always feel .
20 Although the tail of this aircraft is still camouflaged. the rest of it has already been painted blue overall .
21 ‘ Some of it has been Sunday League stuff — and that is with due respect to anyone in the Sunday League .
22 The bulk of it has been removed , but the 50-year-old wooded floor remained .
23 Alternatively , if you are not happy with your design , perhaps because some of it has come unglued or a crease has formed in the backing material , then you will have to remove the glass and rectify the problem before starting this process all over again .
24 A customised robust variant of it has been designed for the Ministry of Defence under quality-assurance procedures .
25 Their preferred description of it has been overinclusive thinking which has frequently been used to explain certain forms of thought disorder seen in psychotic patients , such as the tendency to cognitive ‘ slippage ’ , loosely associated ideation , and difficulty in maintaining a tight boundary for abstract concepts .
26 Most of it has n't been turned over for years .
27 I think part of it has to do with recognition — I remember listening to my own grandmother 's mysterious pronouncements — and part with a renewed sense of the strangeness of it .
28 Christine 's campaign has had enormous impact and we are proud that our report of it has had some impact too .
29 Criticism of the team and its management has been stinging through the season and much of it has come from former players .
30 Some of it has been disturbed by later developments : the site of the Early Iron Age , classical and Hellenistic city of Knossos overlaps with that of the Minoan city ( Hood and Smyth 1981 ) — but nevertheless much remains to be excavated .
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